Что представляет собой технология, которая позволяет веб-приложению обрабатывать задачу в фоновом режиме, не заставляя пользователя ждать, пока задача завершится.
Example, as a user,
1. I want to submit a form which requires heavy processing. (Assume it requires to checking or actions, upload documentation or etc)
2. After submitting the form, the task will be running in the background, then I can go to other page and do something else.
2.1 At the same time, I might submit another form to the server.
The request can be process at the same time or can be queue under a queue system
3. I will receive a notification from the system whenever the server return a response. (Regardless it is success or failure)
Эта функция аналогична Google Cloud Platform.