Печать сетки данных из вектора структуры - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 08 октября 2018

Я создал код, который представляет таблицу данных.Я хотел бы сделать его более универсальным.

Мой код:

#include <algorithm>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <numeric>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

struct Student
    std::string name;
    unsigned points;
    unsigned height;
    unsigned weight;

namespace console
    constexpr unsigned max_chars_in_line = 79;

    void draw_line(unsigned count = max_chars_in_line, char sign = '-')
        std::cout << std::string(count, sign) << "\n";

int main()
    std::cout << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2);

    std::vector<Student> students
        { "John", 30, 200, 300 },
        { "Peter", 80, 160, 80 },
        { "Albert", 200, 175, 1230 },
        { "Hans", 100, 178, 130 }

        << std::right 
        << std::setw(10) << "name"
        << std::setw(10) << "points" 
        << std::setw(10) << "height" 
        << std::setw(10) << "weight" 
        << "\n";
    for (auto& student : students)
            << std::setw(10) << student.name
            << std::setw(10) << student.points
            << std::setw(10) << student.height 
            << std::setw(10) << student.weight
            << "\n";

    std::cout << "\n\n";

    auto total_weight = std::accumulate(students.begin(), students.end(), 0u, [](unsigned sum, const Student& student) {return sum += student.weight; });
    std::sort(students.begin(), students.end(), [](const Student& a, const Student& b) {return a.weight > b.weight; });

        << std::setw(10) << "name"
        << std::setw(10) << "weight"
        << std::setw(15) << "percent (%)"
        << "\n";

    for (auto& student : students)
            << std::setw(10) << student.name
            << std::setw(10) << student.weight
            << std::setw(15) << 100 * static_cast<double>(student.weight) / total_weight
            << "\n";

        << std::setw(10) << "total"
        << std::setw(10) << total_weight
        << std::setw(15) << 100.
        << "\n";

Как бы я хотел, чтобы код выглядел:

#include <algorithm>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <functional>
#include <fstream>
#include <numeric>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

struct Student
    std::string name;
    unsigned points;
    unsigned height;
    unsigned weight;

class GridView { /*...*/ };

int main()
    std::cout << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2);

    std::vector<Student> students
        { "John", 30, 200, 300 },
        { "Peter", 80, 160, 80 },
        { "Albert", 200, 175, 1230 },
        { "Hans", 100, 178, 130 }

    GridView<Student> diagram1(&students); // pointer?
    diagram1.addCol("name", &Student::name);
    diagram1.addCol("points", &Student::points);
    diagram1.addCol("height", &Student::height);
    diagram1.addCol("weight", &Student::weight);
    diagram1.print(std::cout); // or |std::cout << diagram1;|

    std::cout << "\n\n";

    auto total_weight = std::accumulate(students.begin(), students.end(), 0u, [](unsigned sum, const Student& student) {return sum += student.weight; });
    std::sort(students.begin(), students.end(), [](const Student& a, const Student& b) {return a.weight > b.weight; });

    std::ofstream file("grid.txt");
    if (!file.is_open())
        return -1;

    GridView<Student> diagram2(&students);
    diagram2.addCol("name", &Student::name, 10);
    diagram2.addCol("weight", &Student::weight, 10);
    diagram2.addCol("percent (%)", [=]() {return 100 * static_cast<double>(Student::weight) / total_weight; }, 15); // bind? how to do it?
    diagram2.addFooter("total", total_weight, 100.);

Как начать писатьКласс GridView?Каким должно быть добавление столбца с процентами?Может быть, я могу сделать это по-другому (лучше)?Похоже, мой пост в основном кодовый;Извините за слишком мало подробностей.

Редактировать: Код:

#include <algorithm>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <functional>
#include <fstream>
#include <numeric>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <variant>

struct Student
    std::string name;
    unsigned points;
    unsigned height;
    unsigned weight;

template <typename DataType>
class GridView 
    std::vector<DataType>* data_ptr;

    using variant_cell_type = std::variant<int, float, double, unsigned, std::string>;

    struct output_visitor
        std::ostream& out;

        output_visitor(std::ostream& out)


        template <typename T>
        void operator() (const T& value) const
            out << value;

    struct Col
        std::string name;
        std::function<variant_cell_type(DataType&)> access_data;
        unsigned width;

    std::vector<Col> cols;

    unsigned max_chars_in_line;

    std::vector<variant_cell_type> footer;

    GridView(std::vector<DataType>* data_ptr)
        max_chars_in_line = 5;

    template <class Magic, class Type>
    void addCol(const std::string& colName, Magic Type::* ceilType, unsigned width = 10)
        cols.push_back({colName, std::mem_fn(ceilType), width});
        max_chars_in_line += width;

    void addFooter(const std::vector<variant_cell_type>& footer)
        this->footer = footer;

    void print(std::ostream& out)
        using std::string;

        out << std::right;
        out << string(max_chars_in_line, '-') << "\n";
        for (auto& col : cols)
            out << std::setw(col.width) << col.name;
        out << "\n";
        out << string(max_chars_in_line, '-') << "\n";

        for (auto student : *data_ptr)
            for (auto& col : cols)
                out << std::setw(col.width);
                std::visit(output_visitor{out}, col.access_data(student));
            out << "\n";

        if (footer.size() != 0)
            if (footer.size() != cols.size())
                throw std::invalid_argument("Footer must have " + std::to_string(cols.size()) + " arguments.");
            out << string(max_chars_in_line, '-') << "\n";
            auto foo = std::begin(footer);
            auto col = std::begin(cols);
            for (; foo != footer.end(); ++foo, ++col)
                out << std::setw(col->width);
                std::visit(output_visitor{ out }, *foo);
            out << "\n";

        out << string(max_chars_in_line, '-') << "\n";

int main()
    std::cout << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2);

    std::vector<Student> students
        { "John", 30, 200, 300 },
        { "Peter", 80, 160, 80 },
        { "Albert", 200, 175, 1230 },
        { "Hans", 100, 178, 130 }

        GridView<Student> diagram1(&students);
        diagram1.addCol("name", &Student::name);
        diagram1.addCol("points", &Student::points);
        diagram1.addCol("height", &Student::height);
        diagram1.addCol("weight", &Student::weight);

        std::cout << "\n\n";

        auto total_weight = std::accumulate(students.begin(), students.end(), 0u, [](unsigned sum, const Student& student) {return sum += student.weight; });
        std::sort(students.begin(), students.end(), [](const Student& a, const Student& b) {return a.weight > b.weight; });

        GridView<Student> diagram2(&students);
        diagram2.addCol("name", &Student::name, 10);
        diagram2.addCol("weight", &Student::weight, 10);
        //auto calculate_weight = [=](Student student) {return 100 * static_cast<double>(student.weight) / total_weight; };
        //diagram2.addCol("percent (%)", calculate_weight, 15); // bind? how to do it?
        diagram2.addFooter({ "total", total_weight/*, 100.*/ });
    catch (const std::exception& e)
        std::cerr << e.what() << "\n";

Что я должен сделать, чтобы закомментированный фрагмент работал?
