Как взять экран обоев рабочего стола без значков и окон для нескольких экранов? - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 08 октября 2018

В моем приложении какао я хочу сделать скриншот обоев рабочего стола для нескольких экранов. Я нашел эту ссылку , которую я сделал для одного экрана. Однако, мне трудно для нескольких экранов.Так, как бы я сделал это для нескольких экранов?

вот мой код

- (NSImage*) desktopAsImageWithScreen:(NSScreen *)screen {

NSDictionary *deviceDescription = [screen deviceDescription];

CFMutableArrayRef windowIDs = CFArrayCreateMutable(NULL, 0, NULL);
CFArrayRef allWindowIDs = CGWindowListCreate(kCGWindowListOptionOnScreenBelowWindow, kCGDesktopIconWindowLevel);

NSLog(@"min window level: %d", kCGMinimumWindowLevel);
NSLog( @"looking for windows on level: %d", kCGDesktopWindowLevel );
NSLog( @"NOt actually looking for windows on level: %d", kCGMinimumWindowLevel );
NSLog( @"NOt actually looking for windows on the dock level: %d", kCGDockWindowLevel );
if (allWindowIDs)

    CFArrayRef windowDescs = CGWindowListCreateDescriptionFromArray(allWindowIDs);
    for (CFIndex idx=0; idx<CFArrayGetCount(windowDescs); idx++)
        CFDictionaryRef dict = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(windowDescs, idx);
        CFStringRef ownerName = CFDictionaryGetValue(dict, kCGWindowOwnerName);
        NSLog(@"owner name = %@", ownerName);
        if (CFStringCompare(ownerName, CFSTR("Dock"), 0) == kCFCompareEqualTo )
            // the Dock level has the dock and the desktop picture
            CGRect windowBounds;
            BOOL success = CGRectMakeWithDictionaryRepresentation(
                                                                  (CFDictionaryRef)(CFDictionaryGetValue(dict, kCGWindowBounds)),

            NSRect screenBounds = screen.frame;
            CFNumberRef windowLayer = CFDictionaryGetValue(dict, kCGWindowLayer);

            //CFDictionaryGetValue(dict, kCGWindowBounds)
            NSLog(@"window bounds %f, %f, matches screen bounds? %d, on level %@",
                  CGRectEqualToRect(windowBounds, screenBounds),

            NSNumber* ourDesiredLevelNumber = [NSNumber numberWithInt: kCGDesktopWindowLevel - 1];
            if ( CGRectEqualToRect(windowBounds, screenBounds) && [ourDesiredLevelNumber isEqualToNumber: (__bridge NSNumber * _Nonnull)(windowLayer)] )
                CFArrayAppendValue(windowIDs, CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(allWindowIDs, idx));


CGImageRef cgImage = CGWindowListCreateImageFromArray( screen.frame, windowIDs, kCGWindowImageDefault);

// Create a bitmap rep from the image...
NSBitmapImageRep *bitmapRep = [[NSBitmapImageRep alloc] initWithCGImage:cgImage];
// Create an NSImage and add the bitmap rep to it...
NSImage *image = [[NSImage alloc] init];
[image addRepresentation:bitmapRep];
//[bitmapRep release];

return image;


Любые предложения?

Заранее спасибо!
