У меня есть WordPress-форма, использующая гравитационные формы и цепочки выбора, которые отображают данные из CSV-файла в виде выпадающих полей.Мне просто нужно добавить поле ввода поиска в верхней части каждого раскрывающегося списка, чтобы пользователь мог осуществлять поиск в списке данных.Я также прикрепил код JQuery, не могли бы вы помочь мне добавить эту функцию в этот код
( function( $ ) {
window.GFChainedSelects = function( formId, fieldId, hideInactive, alignment ) {
var self = this;
self.formId = formId;
self.fieldId = fieldId;
self.hideInactive = hideInactive;
self.alignment = alignment;
var $field = $( '#field_' + self.formId + '_' + self.fieldId );
self.$selects = $field.find( 'select' );
self.$complete = $field.find( '.gf_chain_complete' );
self.isDoingConditionalLogic = false;
self.init = function() {
gform.addAction( 'gform_input_change', function( elem, formId, fieldId ) {
if( self.$selects.index( elem ) != - 1 ) {
var inputId = $( elem ).attr( 'name' ).split( '_' )[1]; // converts "input_4.1" to "4.1"
self.populateNextChoices( inputId, elem.value, $( elem ) );
}, 9 );
self.$selects.filter( function() {
var $select = $( this );
return $select.hasClass( 'gf_no_options' ) || $select.find( 'option' ).length <= 1;
} ).toggleSelect( true, self.hideInactive );
//.prop( 'disabled', true ).hide();
/*var $lastSelect = self.$selects.last();
self.toggleCompleted( $lastSelect.hasClass( 'gf_no_options' ) || $lastSelect.val() );*/
gform.addFilter( 'gform_is_value_match', function( isMatch, formId, rule ) {
return self.isValueMatch( isMatch, formId, rule );
} );
self.populateNextChoices = function( inputId, selectedValue, $select ) {
var nextInputId = self.getNextInputId( inputId ),
$nextSelect = self.$selects.filter( '[name="input_' + nextInputId + '"]' );
// if there is no $nextSelect, we're at the end of our chain
if( $nextSelect.length <= 0 ) {
self.resetSelects( $select, true );
} else {
self.resetSelects( $select );
if( ! selectedValue ) {
if( self.hideInactive ) {
var $currentSelect = $( '[name="input_' + inputId + '" ]' ),
$spinner = new gfAjaxSpinner( $currentSelect, gformChainedSelectData.spinner, 'display:inline-block;vertical-align:middle;margin:-1px 0 0 6px;' );
} else {
var $loadingOption = $( '<option value="">' + gformChainedSelectData.strings.loading + '...</option>' ),
dotCount = 2,
loadingInterval = setInterval( function() {
$loadingOption.text( gformChainedSelectData.strings.loading + ( new Array( dotCount ).join( '.' ) ) );
dotCount = dotCount > 3 ? 0 : dotCount + 1;
}, 250 );
$loadingOption.prependTo( $nextSelect ).prop( 'selected', true );
$nextSelect.css( { minWidth: $nextSelect.width() } );
$loadingOption.text( gformChainedSelectData.strings.loading + '.' );
$.post( gformChainedSelectData.ajaxUrl, {
action: 'gform_get_next_chained_select_choices',
input_id: inputId,
form_id: self.formId,
field_id: self.fieldId,
value: self.getChainedSelectsValue(),
nonce: gformChainedSelectData.nonce
}, function( response ) {
if( self.hideInactive ) {
} else {
clearInterval( loadingInterval );
if( ! response ) {
var choices = $.parseJSON( response ),
optionsMarkup = '';
$nextSelect.find( 'option:not(:first)' ).remove();
if( choices.length <= 0 ) {
self.resetSelects( $select, true );
} else {
var hasSelectedChoice = false;
$.each( choices, function( i, choice ) {
var selected = choice.isSelected ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
if ( selected ) {
hasSelectedChoice = true;
optionsMarkup += '<option value="' + choice.value + '"' + selected + '>' + choice.text + '</option>';
} );
$nextSelect.show().append( optionsMarkup );
// the placeholder will be selected by default, rather than removing it and re-adding, just force the noOptions option to be selected
if( choices[0].noOptions ) {
var $noOption = $nextSelect.find( 'option:last-child' ).clone(),
$nextSelects = $nextSelect.parents( 'span' ).nextAll().find( 'select' );
$nextSelects.append( $noOption );
$nextSelects.add( $nextSelect )
.addClass( 'gf_no_options' )
.find( 'option:last-child' ).prop( 'selected', true );
//self.toggleCompleted( true );
} else {
.removeClass( 'gf_no_options' )
//.prop( 'disabled', false ).show();
.toggleSelect( false, self );
if ( hasSelectedChoice ) {
} );
self.getChainedSelectsValue = function() {
var value = {};
self.$selects.each( function() {
var inputId = $( this ).attr( 'name' ).split( '_' )[1]; // converts "input_4.1" to "4.1"
value[ inputId ] = $( this ).val();
} );
return value;
self.getNextInputId = function( currentInputId ) {
var index = parseInt( currentInputId.split( '.' )[1] ),
nextIndex = index + 1;
if( nextIndex % 10 == 0 ) {
return parseInt( currentInputId ) + '.' + ( nextIndex );
self.resetSelects = function( $currentSelect, isComplete ) {
var currentIndex = self.$selects.index( $currentSelect ),
$nextSelects = self.$selects.filter( ':gt(' + currentIndex + ')' );
.toggleSelect( true, self.hideInactive )
.find( 'option:not(:first)' )
.val( '' )
self.resizeSelects = function() {
if( self.alignment != 'vertical' ) {
// reset width so it will be determined by its contents
self.$selects.width( 'auto' );
var width = 0;
self.$selects.each( function() {
if( $( this ).width() > width ) {
width = $( this ).width();
} );
self.$selects.width( width + 'px' );
self.toggleCompleted = function( isComplete ) {
if( isComplete ) {
} else {
self.isValueMatch = function( isMatch, formId, rule ) {
if( rule.fieldId != self.fieldId || self.isDoingConditionalLogic ) {
return isMatch;
self.isDoingConditionalLogic = true;
rule = $.extend( {}, rule );
var valueObj = self.getChainedSelectsValue(),
fieldValue = Object.keys( valueObj ).map( function( key ) { return valueObj[ key ]; } ),
ruleValue = rule.value.split( '/' );
for( var i = 0; i < ruleValue.length; i++ ) {
if( ruleValue[i] == '*' ) {
ruleValue[i] = fieldValue[i];
ruleValue = ruleValue.join( '/' );
fieldValue = fieldValue.join( '/' );
isMatch = gf_matches_operation( ruleValue, fieldValue, rule.operator );
self.isDoingConditionalLogic = false;
return isMatch;
$.fn.toggleSelect = function( disabled, hideInactive ) {
this.prop( 'disabled', disabled );
if( typeof hideInactive != 'undefined' && hideInactive ) {
if( disabled ) {
} else {
return this;
function gfAjaxSpinner( elem, imageSrc, inlineStyles ) {
var imageSrc = typeof imageSrc == 'undefined' ? '/images/ajax-loader.gif': imageSrc,
inlineStyles = typeof inlineStyles != 'undefined' ? inlineStyles : '';
this.elem = elem;
this.image = '<img class="gfspinner" src="' + imageSrc + '" style="' + inlineStyles + '" />';
this.init = function() {
this.spinner = jQuery(this.image);
jQuery( this.elem ).after(this.spinner);
return this;
this.destroy = function() {
jQuery( this.spinner ).remove();
return this.init();
} )( jQuery );
<li id="field_1_129" class="gfield field_sublabel_below field_description_below gfield_visibility_visible"><label class="gfield_label" for="input_1_129_1"></label><div class="ginput_container horizontal medium gfield_chainedselect" id="input_1_129"><span id="input_1_129_1_container" class="">
<select name="input_129.1" id="input_1_129_1" class="" onchange="gf_input_change( this, 1, 129 );"><option value="" selected="selected" class="gf_placeholder">Level</option><option value="Undergraduate">Undergraduate</option><option value="Postgraduate">Postgraduate</option><option value="Foundation">Foundation</option><option value="HND">HND</option><option value="HNC">HNC</option></select>
</span><span id="input_1_129_2_container" class="">
<select name="input_129.2" id="input_1_129_2" class="" onchange="gf_input_change( this, 1, 129 );" style="min-width: 260px;"><option value="" selected="selected" class="gf_placeholder">Subject</option><option value="Art">Art</option><option value="Biological Sciences">Biological Sciences</option><option value="Bioscience">Bioscience</option><option value="Business">Business</option><option value="Chemical Engineering">Chemical Engineering</option><option value="Civil Engineering">Civil Engineering</option><option value="Computer Science">Computer Science</option><option value="Construction">Construction</option><option value="Design">Design</option><option value="Electrical Engineering">Electrical Engineering</option><option value="Engineering">Engineering</option><option value="Film">Film</option><option value="Finance">Finance</option><option value="Forensic">Forensic</option><option value="Games">Games</option><option value="Healthcare">Healthcare</option><option value="Jewellery">Jewellery</option><option value="Law">Law</option><option value="Performing Arts">Performing Arts</option><option value="Photography">Photography</option><option value="Policing">Policing</option><option value="Product Design">Product Design</option><option value="Social Science">Social Science</option><option value="Sport">Sport</option></select>
</span><span id="input_1_129_3_container" class="">
<select name="input_129.3" id="input_1_129_3" class="" onchange="gf_input_change( this, 1, 129 );" style="min-width: 300px;"><option value="" selected="selected" class="gf_placeholder">University</option><option value="London South Bank University">London South Bank University</option></select>
</span><span id="input_1_129_4_container" class="">
<select name="input_129.4" id="input_1_129_4" class="" onchange="gf_input_change( this, 1, 129 );" disabled=""><option value="" selected="selected" class="gf_placeholder">Course</option></select>
</span><span class="gf_chain_complete" style="display:none;"> </span></div></li>