класс по умолчанию для элемента внешнего вида (в частности, календарь) - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 10 декабря 2018

Привет, я читал об областях формы за последнюю неделю. Мне наконец-то удалось создать новую интерактивную форму, используя элементы управления Windows (я не рекомендовал формы с vbscript). В конце концов, мне нужно связать новую отдельную форму с определеннойкалендарь из кода c # ...

но давайте перейдем к коду ... Вот как я это сделал, используя формы outlook-vbscript. ( с использованием ofts ):

    private bool CreateCustomCalendar(string registryname, string newCalendarName, string outlookformpathandfilename)

        app = this.Application;
        Outlook.MAPIFolder primaryCalendar = (Outlook.MAPIFolder)
        bool needFolder = true;

        if (debugmode) writer.WriteToLog("RootCalendar :" + primaryCalendar.Name + " found");

            Outlook.MAPIFolder personalCalendar = primaryCalendar
            personalCalendar.Name = newCalendarName;
            if (debugmode) writer.WriteToLog("Creating Calendar stage1 complete");

            //Access new calendar by its name that has the habit to append this computer only
            bool notfound1 = true; bool notfound2 = true;
                string mName = primaryCalendar.Folders[newCalendarName].Name;
                if (debugmode) writer.WriteToLog("calendar accesible by name:" + mName);
                notfound1 = false;
            catch (SystemException sex)

            Outlook.MAPIFolder setcalendar = primaryCalendar.Folders[newCalendarName];
            if (debugmode) writer.WriteToLog("calendar is set");
            PublishFormToPersonalFormsLibrary(setcalendar, outlookformpathandfilename, registryname, registryname, registryname, registryname + "version", "", Application);
            if (debugmode) writer.WriteToLog("Creating Calendar stage2 complete");

            SetFolderDefaultForm_forappointments(setcalendar, "IPM.Appointment." + registryname, newCalendarName);
            if (debugmode) writer.WriteToLog("Creating Calendar stage3 complete");

        return needFolder;


    void SetFolderDefaultForm_forappointments(Outlook.MAPIFolder fld, string msgClass, string displayname)

        Outlook.PropertyAccessor objPA = fld.PropertyAccessor;
        string strBaseType;
        string strMsg;
        int intLoc;
        bool blnBadForm;
        int i;
        string PR_DEF_POST_MSGCLASS =
        string PR_DEF_POST_DISPLAYNAME =

        string[] arrSchema = { PR_DEF_POST_MSGCLASS, PR_DEF_POST_DISPLAYNAME };
        string[] arrValues = { msgClass, displayname };
        string[] arrErrors;
        if (debugmode) writer.WriteToLog("prepared for setting default item");
            objPA = fld.PropertyAccessor;
            objPA.SetProperty(PR_DEF_POST_MSGCLASS, msgClass);
            objPA.SetProperty(PR_DEF_POST_DISPLAYNAME, displayname);
            if (debugmode) writer.WriteToLog("default folder set");
            //  arrErrors = objPA.SetProperties(arrSchema, arrValues);
        catch (SystemException sex)
            Console.WriteLine("This is catch with system exception : {0}", sex.ToString());


    public void PublishFormToPersonalFormsLibrary(Outlook.MAPIFolder calendarfolder, string oftFilePath, string messageClass, string name, string displayName, string description, string version, Outlook.Application application)
        object missing = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;

        string existingVersion = "";

        // try to create an existing Instance of the Form to check the current installed Version
            // create atemplatefolder object
            Outlook.MAPIFolder templateFolder = application.Session.GetDefaultFolder(Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.OlDefaultFolders.olFolderDrafts);
            if (debugmode) writer.WriteToLog("templateFolder is set");

            // we add our new object here
            object existingItem = templateFolder.Items.Add(messageClass);
            if (debugmode) writer.WriteToLog("added form " + messageClass + " as templates");
            // did we installed the form
            if (existingItem != null)
                // yes, we did it before
                // get the formdescription with latebinding
                Type existingItemType = existingItem.GetType();
                Outlook.FormDescription existingFormDescription = (Outlook.FormDescription)existingItemType.InvokeMember("FormDescription", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.GetProperty, null, existingItem, null);
                if (debugmode) writer.WriteToLog("formdescription allocated to existingformdescription");

                // get the installed version
                existingVersion = existingFormDescription.Version;

                // discard the temporary item
                object[] args = { Outlook.OlInspectorClose.olDiscard };
                existingItemType.InvokeMember("Close", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, existingItem, args);
                if (debugmode) writer.WriteToLog("GarbageCollection");

        catch (System.Exception ex)


        // if the existing Version is equal, no need for publishing the form
        // if (version == existingVersion) return;

        // check, if the templatefile exists
        if (!System.IO.File.Exists(oftFilePath)) throw new System.IO.FileNotFoundException("Form template could not be found!", oftFilePath);

        // create the item from TemplateFile
        object item = application.CreateItemFromTemplate(oftFilePath, missing);
        if (debugmode) writer.WriteToLog("created item from template");
        // get the FormDescription Property using LateBinding
        Type itemType = item.GetType();
        Outlook.FormDescription formDescription = (Outlook.FormDescription)itemType.InvokeMember("FormDescription", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.GetProperty, null, item, null);

        // Apply some Parameters to the Formdescription
        formDescription.Name = name;
        formDescription.DisplayName = displayName;
        formDescription.Category = "uncategorized";
        formDescription.Comment = description;
        formDescription.Version = version;
        if (debugmode) writer.WriteToLog("Set custom form and its properties");

        // Publish Form to Personal Froms Library
        //formDescription.PublishForm(Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.OlFormRegistry.olPersonalRegistry );
        formDescription.PublishForm(Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.OlFormRegistry.olFolderRegistry, calendarfolder);
        if (debugmode) writer.WriteToLog("associating complete");


вопрос в том, как это сделать с областями форм ( с использованием .ofs )

любые решения \ документация приветствуются.Огромное спасибо создателям переполнения стека за этот замечательный ресурс и всем разработчикам, которые альтруистически способствуют нашим проблемам

1 Ответ

0 голосов
/ 16 января 2019

Я наконец сделал это !!!код замены для элемента outlook.addin выглядит следующим образом:

    private void ThisAddIn_Startup(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
        Outlook.Folder taskList =Application.Session.GetDefaultFolder(
   as Outlook.Folder;

        Outlook.TaskItem taskItem = taskList.Items.Add(
          "IPM.Task.twoformMssges") as Outlook.TaskItem;

        taskItem.Subject = "IPM.Task.twoformMssges Created On " +


        Outlook.MAPIFolder primarytaskfolder = (Outlook.MAPIFolder)
        Outlook.MAPIFolder settaskfolder = primarytaskfolder.Folders["testassociation"];
          Outlook.Application app = this.Application;
        string formpropstring= "twotabs";
       // PublishFormToPersonalFormsLibrary(taskItem,settaskfolder, "c:\\" , "IPM.Task.twoformMssges",registryname, registryname,registryname + "version", "", Application);
        object missing = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;

        string existingVersion = "";

            if (taskItem != null)

                Type existingItemType = taskItem.GetType();
                Outlook.FormDescription existingFormDescription = (Outlook.FormDescription)existingItemType.InvokeMember("FormDescription", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.GetProperty, null, taskItem, null);
                //if (debugmode) writer.WriteToLog("formdescription allocated to existingformdescription");

                // get the installed version
                existingVersion = existingFormDescription.Version;

                // discard the temporary item
                object[] args = { Outlook.OlInspectorClose.olDiscard };
                existingItemType.InvokeMember("Close", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, taskItem, args);
                //if (debugmode) writer.WriteToLog("GarbageCollection");

        catch (System.Exception ex)


        Type itemType = taskItem.GetType();
        Outlook.FormDescription formDescription = (Outlook.FormDescription)itemType.InvokeMember("FormDescription", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.GetProperty, null, taskItem, null);

        // Apply some Parameters to the Formdescription
        formDescription.Name = formpropstring;
        formDescription.DisplayName = formpropstring;
        formDescription.Category = "uncategorized";
        formDescription.Comment = formpropstring;
        formDescription.Version = "";

        //formDescription.PublishForm(Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.OlFormRegistry.olPersonalRegistry );
        formDescription.PublishForm(Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.OlFormRegistry.olFolderRegistry, settaskfolder);
        //if (debugmode) writer.WriteToLog("associating complete");

        Outlook.PropertyAccessor objPA = settaskfolder.PropertyAccessor;
        string strBaseType;
        string strMsg;
        int intLoc;
        bool blnBadForm;
        int i;
        string PR_DEF_POST_MSGCLASS =
        string PR_DEF_POST_DISPLAYNAME =

        \\string[] arrSchema = { PR_DEF_POST_MSGCLASS, PR_DEF_POST_DISPLAYNAME };
        \\string[] arrValues = { "IPM.Task.twoformMssges" , "testassociation" };
        \\string[] arrErrors;

            objPA = settaskfolder.PropertyAccessor;
            objPA.SetProperty(PR_DEF_POST_MSGCLASS, "IPM.Task.twoformMssges");
            objPA.SetProperty(PR_DEF_POST_DISPLAYNAME, "testassociation");
            //   if (debugmode) writer.WriteToLog("default folder set");
            //  arrErrors = objPA.SetProperties(arrSchema, arrValues);
        catch (SystemException sex)
            Console.WriteLine("This is catch with system exception : {0}", sex.ToString());


также требуется добавить пару атрибутов (код в скобках)

    public partial class msgclassregion1Factory{ blah blah blah ...

... и этоделает трюк

(теперь мне интересно, как различить сохранение и обновление)
