Я использую примеры pkcs11interop.net, но у меня есть некоторые проблемы с запуском этого кода.
Переменная LibraryPath - это мой путь к библиотеке смарт-карт, я думаю.
Что такое TokenSerial и tokenlLabel ?я не понимаюЧкаЛейбл?я начинающий программист.
Мне нужно только подписать PDF с моим сертификатом смарт-карты Citizen
Спасибо всем после ответа.
public class Pkcs11RsaSignatureExample
/// <summary>
/// Creates PKCS#1 v1.5 RSA signature of PDF document with the private key stored on PKCS#11 compatible device
/// </summary>
public void SignPdfDocument()
// Specify path to the unsigned PDF that will be created by this code
string unsignedPdfPath = @"c:\Test\unsigned.pdf";
// Specify path to the signed PDF that will be created by this code
string signedPdfPath = @"c:\Test\signed.pdf";
// Create simple PDF document with iText
using (Document document = new Document(PageSize.A4, 50, 50, 50, 50))
using (FileStream outputStream = new FileStream(unsignedPdfPath, FileMode.Create))
using (PdfWriter pdfWriter = PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, outputStream))
document.Add(new Paragraph("Hello World!"));
// Do something interesting with unsigned PDF document
FileInfo unsignedPdfInfo = new FileInfo(unsignedPdfPath);
// Specify path to the unmanaged PCKS#11 library
string libraryPath = "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Gemalto\\Classic Client\\BIN\\gclib.dll";
// Specify serial number of the token that contains signing key. May be null if tokenLabel is specified.
string tokenSerial = null;
// Specify label of of the token that contains signing key. May be null if tokenSerial is specified
string tokenLabel = @"Pkcs11Interop";
// Specify PIN for the token
string pin = @"1234";
// Specify label (value of CKA_LABEL attribute) of the private key used for signing. May be null if ckaId is specified.
string ckaLabel = @"John Doe";
// Specify hex encoded string with identifier (value of CKA_ID attribute) of the private key used for signing. May be null if ckaLabel is specified.
string ckaId = null;
// Specify hash algorihtm used for the signature creation
HashAlgorithm hashAlgorithm = HashAlgorithm.SHA256;
// Create instance of Pkcs11Signature class that allows iText to create PKCS#1 v1.5 RSA signature with the private key stored on PKCS#11 compatible device
using (Pkcs11RsaSignature pkcs11RsaSignature = new Pkcs11RsaSignature(libraryPath, tokenSerial, tokenLabel, pin, ckaLabel, ckaId, hashAlgorithm))
// When signing certificate is stored on the token it can be usually read with GetSigningCertificate() method
byte[] signingCertificate = pkcs11RsaSignature.GetSigningCertificate();
// All certificates stored on the token can be usually read with GetAllCertificates() method
List<byte[]> otherCertificates = pkcs11RsaSignature.GetAllCertificates();
// Build certification path for the signing certificate
ICollection<Org.BouncyCastle.X509.X509Certificate> certPath = CertUtils.BuildCertPath(signingCertificate, otherCertificates);
// Read unsigned PDF document
using (PdfReader pdfReader = new PdfReader(unsignedPdfPath))
// Create output stream for signed PDF document
using (FileStream outputStream = new FileStream(signedPdfPath, FileMode.Create))
// Create PdfStamper that applies extra content to the PDF document
using (PdfStamper pdfStamper = PdfStamper.CreateSignature(pdfReader, outputStream, '\0', Path.GetTempFileName(), true))
// Sign PDF document
MakeSignature.SignDetached(pdfStamper.SignatureAppearance, pkcs11RsaSignature, certPath, null, null, null, 0, CryptoStandard.CADES);
// Do something interesting with the signed PDF document
FileInfo signedPdfInfo = new FileInfo(signedPdfPath);