При определении схемы сетки мне нужно установить ограничения creditLimit min и max с полями minCreditLimit и maxCreditLimit вместо 0 и 100.
Как использовать данные, поступающие с сервера, как ограничения min и max для поляcreditLimit?
фрагмент кода:
While definign grid layout i need to set the creditLimit constraints min and max with the fields minCreditLimit and maxCreditLimit instead of 0 and 100.
Basically i need to use the data coming from server as min & max constraints for field creditLimit. Please suggesst.
require(["dojox/grid/cells/dijit","dojox/grid/DataGrid"],function() {
window.masterlayout = [ [
'name' : 'Mobile Number',styles:"word-wrap:break-word;", 'field' : 'msisdn',editable : false
'name' : 'Min. Credit Limit','field' : 'minCreditLimit' ,styles:"word-wrap:break-word;",editable : false
'name' : 'Max. Credit Limit','field' : 'maxCreditLimit' ,styles:"word-wrap:break-word;",editable : false
'name' : 'Credit Limit',
'field' : 'creditLimit','editable': true, singleClickEdit :true,'alwaysEditing': false,styles:"word-wrap:break-word;",
autoSave : false, type:dojox.grid.cells._Widget, widgetClass: dijit.form.NumberTextBox ,widgetProps: {required: true }, constraint:{min:0,max:100,places:0} ,
formatter : function(item, rowIndex, cell) {
var html = '<a href="javascript:creditLimitStatusGrid.edit.setEditCell(creditLimitStatusGrid.getCell(3),'+rowIndex+');">'+item+'</a>';
return html;
] ];
var url = "Test URL";
dataStore =new ServerSideStore({target:url});
creditLimitStatusGrid = new EnhancedGrid({
store: dataStore,
structure: masterlayout,
selectionMode : 'none',
autoHeight : true,
//autoWidth : true,
autoRender : true,
queryOptions : {'deep' : true},
noDataMessage : '<span class="dojoxGridNoData">No Data found</span>',
loadingMessage : '<fmt_rt:message key="clls.loading.message"/>',
rowsPerPage: 5,
baseClass: 'balance_list',
plugins: {
pagination: {
pageSizes: [],maxPageStep: 5,
description: true,
sizeSwitch: true,
position: "bottom"
}, "creditLimitStatusGrid");