Вы можете сделать это в Imagemagick.Вот пример:
![enter image description here](https://i.stack.imgur.com/SXa4j.jpg)
line 1: read input and put into memory and delete input
line 2: add contast to memory input
line 3-5: add white to memory input
line 6-7: create a white image with a black rectangle in the middle as a mask
line 8: composite the two modified input images using the mask
line 9: set up the fill and stroke for creating a black outline around the middle
line 10: draw the black polygon rectangle
line 11: set up the pointsize and colors for the text
line 12: draw the text with annotate
line 13: save the output
convert lena.jpg -write mpr:img +delete \
\( mpr:img -level 10x100% \) \
\( mpr:img -alpha set \
-channel a -evaluate set 80% +channel \
-background white -flatten \) \
\( -clone 0 -fill white -colorize 100 \
-fill black -draw "rectangle 64,64 192,192" -alpha off \) \
-compose over -composite \
-fill none -stroke black \
-draw "polygon 64,64 192,64 192,192 64,192" -alpha off \
-gravity center -pointsize 24 -fill white -stroke white \
-annotate +0+0 "TESTING" \
![enter image description here](https://i.stack.imgur.com/lBSca.png)
Параметры рисования см. https://imagemagick.org/Usage/draw
Wordpress имеет плагин Imagemagick.Смотри https://wordpress.org/plugins/tags/imagemagick/