Спасибо Get Last Monday в Spark за определение функции previous_day .
Первый импорт,
from pyspark.sql.functions import *
from datetime import datetime
Предполагаяваши входные данные как в моем DF (DataFrame)
cols = ['id', 'scheduled_date']
vals = [
(241, '10/09/2018'),
(423, '09/25/2018'),
(126, '09/30/2018'),
(123, '08/13/2018'),
(132, '08/16/2018'),
(143, '10/06/2018')
df = spark.createDataFrame(vals, cols)
Это функция, определенная
def previous_day(date, dayOfWeek):
return date_sub(next_day(date, 'monday'), 7)
# Converting the string column to timestamp.
df = df.withColumn('scheduled_date', date_format(unix_timestamp('scheduled_date', 'MM/dd/yyy') \
.cast('timestamp'), 'yyyy-MM-dd'))
| id|scheduled_date|
|241| 2018-10-09|
|423| 2018-09-25|
|126| 2018-09-30|
|123| 2018-08-13|
|132| 2018-08-16|
|143| 2018-10-06|
# Returns the first monday of a week
df_mon = df.withColumn("scheduled_date", previous_day('scheduled_date', 'monday'))
| id|scheduled_date|
|241| 2018-10-08|
|423| 2018-09-24|
|126| 2018-09-24|
|123| 2018-08-13|
|132| 2018-08-13|
|143| 2018-10-01|
# You can groupBy and do agg count of 'id'.
df_mon_grp = df_mon.groupBy('scheduled_date').agg(count('id')).orderBy('scheduled_date')
# Reformatting to match your resulting output.
df_mon_grp = df_mon_grp.withColumn('scheduled_date', date_format(unix_timestamp('scheduled_date', "yyyy-MM-dd") \
.cast('timestamp'), 'MM/dd/yyyy'))
| 08/13/2018| 2|
| 09/24/2018| 2|
| 10/01/2018| 1|
| 10/08/2018| 1|