Копирование строк на разные листы
Тщательно настройте данные в разделе констант в соответствии с вашими потребностями.
Option Explicit
Sub CopyData()
' Constants
Const cVntSource As String = "Main" ' Source Worksheet Name or Index
Const cLngFirstRow As Long = 2 ' Source First Row of Data Number
Const cVntTarget1 As String = "INS" ' Target1 Worksheet Name or Index
Const cVntTarget2 As String = "SEC" ' Target2 Worksheet Name or Index
Const cVntCol1 As Variant = "I" ' Column Letter or Number for Target1
Const cVntCol2 As Variant = "H" ' Column Letter or Number for Target2
' Object Variables
Dim objSource As Worksheet ' Source Worksheet (object)
Dim objT1 As Worksheet ' Target1 Worksheet (object)
Dim objT2 As Worksheet ' Target2 Worksheet (object)
' Other Variables
Dim lngLastRow As Long ' Source Last Row of Data Number
Dim lngSource As Long ' Source Rows Counter
Dim lngT1 As Long ' Target1 Rows Counter
Dim lngT2 As Long ' Target2 Rows Counter
' Create object references.
With ThisWorkbook
Set objSource = .Worksheets(cVntSource)
Set objT1 = .Worksheets(cVntTarget1)
Set objT2 = .Worksheets(cVntTarget2)
End With
With objSource
' Calculate last row of data in Source Worksheet
lngLastRow = .UsedRange.Rows.Count + .UsedRange.Row - 1
' Calculate first free row in Target Worksheets.
' If any of sheets are empty, code will paste starting from row 2.
lngT1 = objT1.UsedRange.Rows.Count + objT1.UsedRange.Row - 1
lngT2 = objT2.UsedRange.Rows.Count + objT2.UsedRange.Row - 1
' Loop through the cells of Source Worksheet from first to last row of data.
For lngSource = cLngFirstRow To lngLastRow
' Check condition for Target1 Worksheet: Empty cell in column CVntCol1.
If .Cells(lngSource, cVntCol1) = "" Then ' Cell is empty.
lngT1 = lngT1 + 1
.Cells(lngSource, cVntCol1).EntireRow.Copy _
objT1.Cells(lngT1, 1).EntireRow
' Else ' Cell is not empty.
End If
' Check condition for Target2 Worksheet: Empty cell in column CVntCol2.
If .Cells(lngSource, cVntCol2) = "" Then ' Cell is empty.
lngT2 = lngT2 + 1
.Cells(lngSource, cVntCol2).EntireRow.Copy _
objT2.Cells(lngT2, 1).EntireRow
' Else ' Cell is not empty.
End If
End With
' Release object references.
Set objT2 = Nothing
Set objT1 = Nothing
Set objSource = Nothing
End Sub