import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
tree = ET.parse('CPI_20190213.xml') # Load the XML
root = tree.getroot() # Get XML root element
e = root.findall('.//DailyIndexRatio') # use xpath to find relevant elements
# for each element
for i in e:
# create a dictionary object.
d = {}
# for each child of element
for child in i:
# add the tag name and text value to the dictionary
d[child.tag] = child.text
# print the DailyIndexRatio tag name and dictionary
print (i.tag, d)
DailyIndexRatio {'CUSIP': '912810FD5', 'IssueDate': '1998-04-15', 'Date': '2019-03-01', 'RefCPI': '251.23300', 'IndexRatio': '1.55331'}
DailyIndexRatio {'CUSIP': '912810FD5', 'IssueDate': '1998-04-15', 'Date': '2019-03-02', 'RefCPI': '251.24845', 'IndexRatio': '1.55341'}
DailyIndexRatio {'CUSIP': '912810FD5', 'IssueDate': '1998-04-15', 'Date': '2019-03-03', 'RefCPI': '251.26390', 'IndexRatio': '1.55351'}
DailyIndexRatio {'CUSIP': '912810FD5', 'IssueDate': '1998-04-15', 'Date': '2019-03-04', 'RefCPI': '251.27935', 'IndexRatio': '1.55360'}