Вот адаптация метода, примененного в set-monad к вашему случаю.
Обратите внимание, что, как и должно быть, есть "обман".Структура включает в себя конструкторы дополнительных значений для представления «return» и «bind».Они действуют как приостановленные вычисления, которые необходимо выполнить.Экземпляр Eq
является частью функции run
, в то время как конструкторы, создающие «приостановку», Eq
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.Functor as F
import qualified Control.Applicative as A
import Control.Monad
-- for reference, the bind operation to be implemented
-- bind operation requires Eq
dlbind :: Eq b => [a] -> (a -> [b]) -> [b]
dlbind xs f = L.nub $ xs >>= f
-- data structure comes with incorporated return and bind
-- `Prim xs` wraps a list into a DL
data DL a where
Prim :: [a] -> DL a
Return :: a -> DL a
Bind :: DL a -> (a -> DL b) -> DL b
-- converts a DL to a list
run :: Eq a => DL a -> [a]
run (Prim xs) = xs
run (Return x) = [x]
run (Bind (Prim xs) f) = L.nub $ concatMap (run . f) xs
run (Bind (Return x) f) = run (f x)
run (Bind (Bind ma f) g) = run (Bind ma (\a -> Bind (f a) g))
-- lifting of Eq and Show instance
-- Note: you probably should provide a different instance
-- one where eq doesn't depend on the position of the elements
-- otherwise you break functor laws (and everything else)
instance (Eq a) => Eq (DL a) where
dxs == dys = run dxs == run dys
-- this "cheats", i.e. it will convert to lists in order to show.
-- executing returns and binds in the process
instance (Show a, Eq a) => Show (DL a) where
show = show . run
-- uses the monad instance
instance F.Functor DL where
fmap = liftM
-- uses the monad instance
instance A.Applicative DL where
pure = return
(<*>) = ap
-- builds the DL using Return and Bind constructors
instance Monad DL where
return = Return
(>>=) = Bind
-- examples with bind for a "normal list" and a "distinct list"
list = [1,2,3,4] >>= (\x -> [x `mod` 2, x `mod` 3])
dlist = (Prim [1,2,3,4]) >>= (\x -> Prim [x `mod` 2, x `mod` 3])
А вот грязный хак, который нужно сделатьэто более эффективно, рассматривая вопросы, поднятые ниже об оценке связывания.
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Functor as F
import qualified Control.Applicative as A
import Control.Monad
dlbind xs f = L.nub $ xs >>= f
data DL a where
Prim :: Eq a => [a] -> DL a
Return :: a -> DL a
Bind :: DL b -> (b -> DL a) -> DL a
-- Fail :: DL a -- could be add to clear failure chains
run :: Eq a => DL a -> [a]
run (Prim xs) = xs
run (Return x) = [x]
run b@(Bind _ _) =
case foldChain b of
(Bind (Prim xs) f) -> L.nub $ concatMap (run . f) xs
(Bind (Return a) f) -> run (f a)
(Bind (Bind ma f) g) -> run (Bind ma (\a -> Bind (f a) g))
-- fold a chain ((( ... >>= f) >>= g) >>= h
foldChain :: DL u -> DL u
foldChain (Bind b2 g) = stepChain $ Bind (foldChain b2) g
foldChain dxs = dxs
-- simplify (Prim _ >>= f) >>= g
-- if (f x = Prim _)
-- then reduce to (Prim _ >>= g)
-- else preserve (Prim _ >>= f) >>= g
stepChain :: DL u -> DL u
stepChain b@(Bind (Bind (Prim xs) f) g) =
let dys = map f xs
pms = [Prim ys | Prim ys <- dys]
ret = [Return ys | Return ys <- dys]
bnd = [Bind ys f | Bind ys f <- dys]
in case (pms, ret, bnd) of
-- ([],[],[]) -> Fail -- could clear failure
(dxs@(Prim ys:_),[],[]) -> let Prim xs = joinPrims dxs (Prim $ mkEmpty ys)
in Bind (Prim $ L.nub xs) g
_ -> b
stepChain dxs = dxs
-- empty list with type via proxy
mkEmpty :: proxy a -> [a]
mkEmpty proxy = []
-- concatenate Prims in on Prim
joinPrims [] dys = dys
joinPrims (Prim zs : dzs) dys = let Prim xs = joinPrims dzs dys in Prim (zs ++ xs)
instance (Ord a) => Eq (DL a) where
dxs == dys = run dxs == run dys
instance (Ord a) => Ord (DL a) where
compare dxs dys = compare (run dxs) (run dys)
instance (Show a, Eq a) => Show (DL a) where
show = show . run
instance F.Functor DL where
fmap = liftM
instance A.Applicative DL where
pure = return
(<*>) = ap
instance Monad DL where
return = Return
(>>=) = Bind
-- cheating here, Prim is needed for efficiency
return' x = Prim [x]
s = [1,2,3,4] >>= (\x -> [x `mod` 2, x `mod` 3])
t = (Prim [1,2,3,4]) >>= (\x -> Prim [x `mod` 2, x `mod` 3])
r' = ((Prim [1..1000]) >>= (\x -> return' 1)) >>= (\x -> Prim [1..1000])