Я знаю, как выделить ячейку с условным форматированием для одной активной строки
Как это сделать, но с двумя или более строками (5, 7, 9, 11)
Option Explicit Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) Const cRng As String = "C3:AM3" ' Target Range Const cRange As String = "C5:AM27" ' Source Range Const cRow As Long = 3 ' Target Row Number Const cColor As Long = 3 ' Color Index e.g. 3 is Red. Dim rng As Range ' Intersect Range Dim i As Long ' Rows Counter Dim k As Long ' Areas Counter ' Create a reference to Intersect Range. Set rng = Intersect(Target, Range(cRange)) ' Remove color in all cells of Target Range. Range(cRng).Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone If Not rng Is Nothing Then ' Loop through Areas of Intersect Range. For k = 1 To rng.Areas.Count ' Loop through rows of current Area of Intersect Range. For i = 1 To rng.Areas(k).Rows.Count ' In current Area of Intersect Range With rng.Areas(k) ' Check if current row number of current area of Intersect ' range is odd. If .Rows(i).Row Mod 2 = 1 Then ' Apply color to all cells in row cRow of Worksheet ' whose columns are the same as those of Current Area ' of Intersect Range. Cells(cRow, .Column).Resize(, .Columns.Count) _ .Interior.ColorIndex = cColor Exit For End If End With Next ' Row of current Area of Intersect Range. Next ' Area of Intersect Range. End If End Sub
В качестве условного форматирования следует использовать И из трех условий.
=and(row()>=5, row()<=11, mod(row(), 2)=1)
В более поздних версиях Excel можно использовать isodd(row()) вместо mod(row(), 2)=1.
mod(row(), 2)=1