base R
Идея: mapply
on strsplit
ted NextYear и WorkedNow, а затем вставьте его, используя collapse=";"
df$New <- with(df, {
a <- mapply(setdiff, strsplit(NextYear, ";"), strsplit(WorkedNow, ";"), SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
sapply(a, paste, collapse=";")
# SIMPLIFY = FALSE is needed in a general case, it doesn't
# affect the output in the example case
# Or if you use Map instead of mapply, that is the default, so
# it could also be...
df$New <- with(df,
sapply(Map(setdiff, strsplit(NextYear, ";"), strsplit(WorkedNow, ";")),
paste, collapse=";"))
df <- read.table(text = "WorkedNow NextYear
Java;PHP Java;C++;SQL
C;C++;JavaScript JavaScript;C;SQL
", header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)