def collideY(player, object):
if man.x <= object.x + object.width and man.x + man.width >= object.x: # Checks if the player is inside the bounderies of a list of objects
return "F"
cY = collideY(Player, object)
if not cY == "F":
print("Not F")
Это печатает "не F" все время, и я хочу, чтобы оно печаталось только тогда, когда F не возвращено PS Это весь мой код, если вы хотите его увидеть Это воссоздание Марио.Игра работает хорошо, но у меня возникают проблемы с добавлением гравитации, когда игрок выходит из платформы.Что мне нужно сделать, это обнаружить, когда игрок (человек) не находится в диапазоне х объектов.У меня есть функция CollisionY (), которая уже проверяет, находится ли игрок в диапазоне x объектов (все это находится в цикле while). Я могу заставить функцию возвращать переменную, когда обнаруживает человека в диапазоне x, нопо какой-то причине я не могу заставить его обнаруживать, когда он не находится в объектах x range
import pygame
from pygame import *
# Screen Setup
Screen_Height = 600
Screen_Width = 800
Screen_Size = (Screen_Width, Screen_Height)
win = pygame.display.set_mode((800, 600))
# Sprites for Mario
walkRight = [pygame.image.load('mario_move0.png'), pygame.image.load('mario_move1.png'),
walkLeft = [pygame.image.load('mario_move02.png'), pygame.image.load('mario_move12.png'),
char = pygame.image.load('mario.png')
char2 = pygame.image.load('mario2.png')
jumping = pygame.image.load("mario_jump.png")
jumping2 = pygame.image.load("mario_jump2.png")
#Setup Background
bg = pygame.image.load('level_1.png')
bg = pygame.transform.scale(bg, (9000, 600)).convert()
bgWidth, bgHeight = bg.get_rect().size
#Map sprites
spritesheet = pygame.image.load("tile_set.png")
character = Surface((15, 16), pygame.SRCALPHA)
character.blit(spritesheet, (-17, 0))
character = pygame.transform.scale(character, (44, 44))
brick1 = character
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
class player(object):
def __init__(self, x, y, width, height ):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.width = width
self.height = height
self.vel = 1
self.isJump = False
self.left = False
self.right = False
self.standing = True
self.walkCount = 0
self.jumpCount = 10
self.starting = True
self.runCount = 0
self.jumping = 0
self.currenty = 410
self.done = True
self.ableJump = False
self.scroll = 0
self.x3 = 0
self.fall = False
self.rightStop = False
self.leftStop = False
self.grav = .4
def draw(self, win):
if self.walkCount + .5 >= 3:
self.walkCount = 0
if self.runCount >= 12:
self.runCount = 12
if self.left and not self.isJump and not self.standing and not self.fall:
win.blit(walkLeft[self.walkCount], (self.x, self.y))
self.walkCount += 1
if self.runCount < 12:
self.runCount += 1
elif self.right and not self.isJump and not self.standing and not self.fall:
win.blit(walkRight[self.walkCount], (self.x, self.y))
self.walkCount += 1
if self.runCount < 12:
self.runCount += 1
if self.standing and self.right and not self.isJump or self.starting and not self.fall:
win.blit(char, (self.x, self.y))
elif self.standing and self.left and not self.isJump and not self.fall:
win.blit(char2, (self.x, self.y))
elif self.isJump or self.fall:
if self.right:
win.blit(jumping, (self.x, self.y))
elif self.left:
win.blit(jumping2, (self.x, self.y))
class Object(object):
def __init__(self, x, y, width, height, type=""):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.width = width
self.height = height
self.type = type # OPTIONAL
def draw(self, win):
pygame.draw.rect(win, (255,0,0), (self.x, self.y, self.width, self.height), 5)
def draw_brick(self, win):
win.blit(brick1,(self.x, self.y, self.width, self.height))
def collideY(player, object):
if man.x <= object.x + object.width and man.x + man.width >= object.x: # Top check
if man.y <= object.y + object.height and man.y + man.height >= object.y + object.height:
return "D"
elif man.y <= object.y and man.y + man.height >= object.y:
return "U"
return "F"
return False
def collideX(player, object):
if man.x + man.width >= object.x and man.x <= object.x: # Left side collision
if man.y + man.height > object.y and man.y < object.y + object.height:
return "L"
elif man.x <= object.x + object.width and man.x + man.width >= object.x + object.width: # right side collision
if man.y + man.height > object.y and man.y < object.y + object.height:
return "R"
def right():
# Right movement
if not keys[pygame.K_LEFT]:
if keys[pygame.K_s]:
if man.x == 400 and not man.fall and man.x3 < 8572:
man.scroll -= (man.vel * man.runCount) * 1.5
man.x += (man.vel * man.runCount) * 1.5
elif man.x == 400 and not man.fall and man.x3 < 8572:
man.scroll -= man.vel * man.runCount
man.x += man.vel * man.runCount
if man.x >= 400 and man.x3 < 8572:
man.x = 400
man.right = True
man.left = False
man.standing = False
man.starting = False
def left():
if keys[pygame.K_s]:
man.x -= (man.vel * man.runCount) * 1.5
man.x -= man.vel * man.runCount
man.left = True
man.right = False
man.standing = False
man.starting = False
def standing():
man.standing = True
man.done = True
man.isJump2 = False
man.walkCount = 0
man.runCount = 0
if man.right or man.left:
if not man.isJump:
man.alex = 0
def redrawGameWindow():
for o in objs:
for o in objs_1:
win.blit(bg, (man.scroll, 0))
# mainloop
man = player(200, 505, 32, 32)
run = True
while run:
objs = [ # Solid Blocks
Object(man.scroll + 1196, 451, 71, 100),
Object(man.scroll + 1622, 410, 71, 135),
Object(man.scroll + 1961, 368, 71, 185),
Object(man.scroll + 2427, 368, 71, 185),
Object(man.scroll + 5690, 490, 167, 40),
Object(man.scroll + 5734, 449, 123, 40),
Object(man.scroll + 5775, 408, 80, 40),
Object(man.scroll + 5817, 365, 40, 40),
Object(man.scroll + 5942, 490, 167, 40),
Object(man.scroll + 5942, 449, 125, 40),
Object(man.scroll + 5942, 408, 80, 40),
Object(man.scroll + 5943, 365, 40, 40),
Object(man.scroll + 6287, 490, 207, 40),
Object(man.scroll + 6331, 449, 163, 40),
Object(man.scroll + 6372, 408, 120, 40),
Object(man.scroll + 6414, 365, 80, 40),
Object(man.scroll + 6579, 490, 167, 40),
Object(man.scroll + 6579, 449, 125, 40),
Object(man.scroll + 6579, 408, 80, 40),
Object(man.scroll + 6579, 365, 40, 40),
Object(man.scroll + 6928, 451, 71, 100),
Object(man.scroll + 7607, 451, 73, 100),
Object(man.scroll + 7680, 492, 382, 40),
Object(man.scroll + 7724, 452, 341, 40),
Object(man.scroll + 7765, 410, 299, 40),
Object(man.scroll + 7808, 366, 256, 40),
Object(man.scroll + 7851, 324, 214, 40),
Object(man.scroll + 7893, 281, 172, 40),
Object(man.scroll + 7934, 238, 130, 40),
Object(man.scroll + 7978, 194, 88, 40),
Object(man.scroll + 8407, 491, 40, 40),
objs_1 = [
Object(man.scroll + 850, 381, 44, 44),
Object(man.scroll + 938, 381, 44, 44),
Object(man.scroll + 1026, 381, 44, 44),
# Jump Height
if man.standing or man.left or man.right:
if not man.isJump:
man.currenty = man.y
jumpHeight = man.currenty - man.y
jumpHeight = int(jumpHeight)
# Collisions / interactions for solid blocks
for obj in objs:
cX = collideX(man, obj)
cY = collideY(man, obj)
if man.isJump :
if cY == "U":
man.standing = True
man.isJump = False
man.ableJump = True
man.y = obj.y - man.height
elif cY == "D":
man.y = obj.y + obj.height + 1
elif cX == "R" and cY == False:
man.x = obj.x + obj.width + 1
elif cX == "L" and cY == False:
man.x = obj.x - man.width - 1
if cX == "R":
man.x = obj.x + obj.width + 1
elif cX == "L":
man.x = obj.x - man.width - 1
# Collision / interactions with brick1
for obj in objs_1:
cX = collideX(man, obj)
cY = collideY(man, obj)
if man.isJump :
if cY == "U":
man.standing = True
man.isJump = False
man.ableJump = True
man.y = obj.y - man.height
elif cY == "D":
if man.y < obj.y + obj.height:
man.y = obj.y + obj.height
man.ableJump = False
elif cX == "R" and cY == False:
man.x = obj.x + obj.width + 1
elif cX == "L" and cY == False:
man.x = obj.x - man.width - 1
elif not man.isJump:
if cX == "R":
man.x = obj.x + obj.width + 1
elif cX == "L":
man.x = obj.x - man.width - 1
if not cY == "F":
# X.3 is the equivalent x cordinate on the map
man.x3 = -1 * man.scroll + man.x
# Able to Quit without crashing
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
run = False
# Defies the movement keys
keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()
# Left movement
if keys[pygame.K_LEFT] and man.x > 4 and not man.leftStop:
# Right movement
elif keys[pygame.K_RIGHT] and man.x3 < 8956 and not man.rightStop:
elif not man.isJump:
# Jump mechanics
if keys[pygame.K_UP] and man.ableJump:
if jumpHeight < 200:
man.isJump = True
man.runCount = 10
man.jumpCount = 6
man.ableJump = False
elif man.isJump:
man.ableJump = False
if man.isJump:
if man.jumpCount >= -8:
neg = 1
if man.jumpCount < 0:
neg = -1
man.jumpCount -= 1
man.jumpCount = -8
man.y -= (man.jumpCount ** 2) * 0.5 * neg
# Ground floor
if man.y >= 505:
if man.x3 > 2927 and man.x3 < 2985 or man.x3 > 3649 and man.x3 < 3750 or man.x3 > 6492 and man.x3 < 6552:
man.fall = True
man.y -= (man.jumpCount ** 2) * 0.09 * -1
elif not man.fall:
man.y = 505
man.isJump = False
man.ableJump = True