Это Ruby-версия с пошаговым объяснением алгоритма, так что вы можете легко писать код на C ++ (или я попробую позже).
# Let's consider that we extracted the values from text, so we already have the string of int and the result as integer:
string_of_int = "15112"
result = 28
# The basic idea is to find a map (array) that tells how to group digits, for example
sum_map = [2, 1, 2]
# This means that string_of_int is mapped into the following numbers
# 15, 1, 12
# then sum the numbers, in this case 15+1+12 = 28
# For finding a the solution we need to map
# all the possible combinations of addition given the n digits of the string_of_int then check if the sum is equal to the result
# We call k the number of digits of string_of_int
# in ruby we can build an array called sum_maps
# containing all the possible permutations like this:
k = string_of_int.length # => 5
sum_maps = []
k.times do |length|
(1..k).to_a.repeated_permutation(length).each {|e| sum_maps << e if e.inject(:+) == k}
# => [[1, 5], [2, 4], [3, 3], [4, 2], [5, 1], [1, 1, 4], [1, 2, 3], [1, 3, 2], [1, 4, 1], [2, 1, 3], [2, 2, 2], [2, 3, 1], [3, 1, 2], [3, 2, 1], [4, 1, 1]]
# Now must check which of of the sum_map is giving us the required result.
# First, to keep the code short and DRY,
# better to define a couple of useful methods for the String class to use then:
class String
def group_digits_by(sum_map)
string_of_int_splitted = self.split("")
grouped_digits = []
sum_map.each { |n| grouped_digits << string_of_int_splitted.shift(n).join.to_i}
grouped_digits.reject { |element| element == 0 }
def sum_grouped_of_digits_by(sum_map)
# So we can call the methods directly on the string
# for example, in ruby:
string_of_int.group_digits_by sum_map #=> [15, 1, 12]
string_of_int.sum_grouped_of_digits_by sum_map #=> 28
# Now that we have this metods, we just iterate through the sum_maps array
# and apply it for printing out the sm_map if the sum of grouped digits is equal to the result
# coded in ruby it is:
combinations = []
sum_maps.each { |sum_map| combinations << string_of_int.group_digits_by(sum_map) if string_of_int.sum_grouped_of_digits_by(sum_map) == result }
p combinations.uniq
# => [[15, 1, 12], [15, 11, 2]]
* 1006Короче говоря, в виде модуля Ruby он становится:
module GuessAddition
class ::String
def group_digits_by(sum_map)
string_of_int_splitted = self.split("")
grouped_digits = []
sum_map.each { |n| grouped_digits << string_of_int_splitted.shift(n).join.to_i}
grouped_digits.reject { |element| element == 0 }
def sum_grouped_of_digits_by(sum_map)
def self.guess_this(string_of_int, result)
k = string_of_int.length
sum_maps = []
k.times { |length| (1..k).to_a.repeated_permutation(length).each {|e| sum_maps << e if e.inject(:+) == k} }
combinations = []
sum_maps.each { |sum_map| combinations << string_of_int.group_digits_by(sum_map) if string_of_int.sum_grouped_of_digits_by(sum_map) == result }
p GuessAddition::guess_this("15112", 28) # => [[15, 1, 12], [15, 11, 2]]