This question works if your schema is always the same, meaning...
Question Number
Answer 1
Answer 2
Answer N
Good answer.
It doesn't care the number of answer you can have.
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Opening your text file.
with open('file.txt', 'r') as f:
# You're getting a list of lines out of it.
lines = f.readlines()
# You want to split your text into blocks.
# You know that each blocks are separated by double '\n'.
# First, you join all the lines and then, resplit it using the
# token you identified.
lines = ''.join(lines).split('\n\n')
# Here, we use the index to change the item in-place.
for index in range(len(lines)):
# First : lines[index].split('\n')[1:-1]
# It will split the line using the inner '\n', and strip out
# The header, and the answer of your question.
# Then, rejoin using the '\n' that has been stripped by split.
lines[index] = '\n'.join( lines[index].split('\n')[1:-1] )
# What stays is what you asked.
for line in lines:
print(line, end='\n\n')
# <class 'str'>
# Which of the following has more fire resisting characteristics?
# (A) Marble
# (B) Lime stone
# (C) Compact sand stone
# (D) Granite
# <class 'str'>
# The rocks which are formed due to cooling of magma at a considerable depth from earth's surface are called
# (A) Plutonic rocks
# (B) Hypabyssal rocks
# (C) Volcanic rocks
# (D) Igneous rocks
# <class 'str'>
# Plywood has the advantage of
# (A) Greater tensile strength in longer direction
# (B) Greater tensile strength in shorter direction
# (C) Same tensile strength in all directions
# (D) None of the above
Если у вас есть строгая схема, то есть такая же схема, как я показывал ранее И у вас строго всегда есть 4 возможности, вы можете сделать ...
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Opening your text file.
with open('file.txt', 'r') as f:
# You're getting a list of lines out of it.
lines = f.readlines()
# Create an empty list to store our result.
my_lines = []
for index in range(1, len(lines), 8):
# Since we exactly know where each line will be, we
# jump from blocks to blocks keeping only the first line of interest
# as our index.
# Plus, as the number of lines needed will always be the same, only
# keep a fixed amount of line, then join them all.
my_lines.append( ''.join(lines[index : index+5]) )
for line in my_lines:
# Which of the following has more fire resisting characteristics?
# (A) Marble
# (B) Lime stone
# (C) Compact sand stone
# (D) Granite
# The rocks which are formed due to cooling of magma at a considerable depth from earth's surface are called
# (A) Plutonic rocks
# (B) Hypabyssal rocks
# (C) Volcanic rocks
# (D) Igneous rocks
# Plywood has the advantage of
# (A) Greater tensile strength in longer direction
# (B) Greater tensile strength in shorter direction
# (C) Same tensile strength in all directions
# (D) None of the above