Представление списка в QML, появляющееся ниже других объектов в моем окне - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 12 декабря 2018

Я создал минимальный рабочий пример, чтобы показать мою проблему.То, что я пытаюсь сделать, - это создать рабочий список стран, которые можно фильтровать при вводе пользовательских типов.Это работает отлично, за исключением одного существенного недостатка.Список отображается ниже других элементов на экране.Вот код для MWE, чтобы проиллюстрировать мою проблему.

Мой main.qml

import QtQuick 2.9
import QtQuick.Window 2.2

Window {
    visible: true
    width: 1280
    height: 720
    title: qsTr("MWE")

    Rectangle {
        id: rect1
        color: "#ff0000"
        width: 440
        height: 30
        anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
        anchors.top: parent.top
        anchors.topMargin: 20

        id: diagDBDefaultCountry
        width: 440
        height: 30
        vmList: {
            var list = loader.getCountryList()
            return list;
        vmValues: loader.getCountryCodeList()
        anchors.top: parent.top
        anchors.topMargin: 70
        anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter

    Rectangle {
        id: rect2
        color: "#ff0000"
        width: 440
        height: 30
        anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
        anchors.top: parent.top
        anchors.topMargin: 120

    Rectangle {
        id: rect3
        color: "#ff0000"
        width: 440
        height: 30
        anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
        anchors.top: parent.top
        anchors.topMargin: 170


Мой VMAutoCompleteComboBox.qml

import QtQuick 2.6
import QtQuick.Window 2.2
import QtQuick.Controls 2.1

Item {

    property string vmLabel : ""
    property var vmList: []
    property var vmValues: []
    property int vmMaxOptions: 10

    function filter(){

        // Creating the model list

        var count = 0;
        for (var i = 0; i < vmList.length; i++){
           if ((vmList[i].toLowerCase().search(lineEdit.text.toLowerCase()) !== -1) || (lineEdit.text === "")){
               var data = "";
               if (i < vmValues.length) data = vmValues[i];               
               modelList.append({"vmText": vmList[i], "vmData": data, "vmIndex": count});
               if (count == vmMaxOptions) break;

        // Updating the height of the patient list.
        listView.height = lineEditRect.height*(count+1);

    Rectangle {
        id: lineEditRect
        anchors.fill: parent
        color: "#ebf3fa"
        border.width: 0
        height: parent.height

    ListModel {
        id: modelList

    Rectangle {
        id: subLine
        width: lineEditRect.width
        height: 1;
        border.color: "#297fca"
        color: "#297fca"
        anchors.bottom: lineEditRect.bottom

    TextInput {
        property bool vmFilterEnable: true
        id: lineEdit
        font.pixelSize: 13
        anchors.bottom: subLine.top
        anchors.bottomMargin: 5
        verticalAlignment: TextInput.AlignVCenter
        leftPadding: 5
        width: lineEditRect.width
        onTextChanged: {
            if (!vmFilterEnable ) return;
        onCursorVisibleChanged: {
            if (cursorVisible) filter();

        id: labelText
        text: vmLabel
        color:  "#297fca"
        font.pixelSize: 11
        anchors.left: lineEditRect.left
        anchors.bottom: lineEdit.top
        anchors.bottomMargin: 5
        visible: (vmLabel != "")

    ListView {
        id: listView
        width: parent.width
        model: modelList
        anchors.top: lineEditRect.bottom
        anchors.left: lineEditRect.left
        layer.enabled: true
        clip: true
        delegate: VMAutoCompleteCBEntry {
            width: lineEditRect.width
            height: lineEditRect.height
            layer.enabled: true
            clip: true
            onClicked: {
                console.log("Clicked on text: " + text + " that has data " + data + " with index " + index);


И, наконец, мой VMAutoCompleteCBEntry

import QtQuick 2.6

Rectangle {

    signal clicked(string text, string data, int index);

    id: contentRect
    color: mouseDetect.containsMouse? "#cfcfcf" : "#ffffff"
    border.width: 1
    border.color: "#cfcfcf"
    z: 10

    MouseArea {
        id: mouseDetect
        hoverEnabled: true
        anchors.fill: parent
        onClicked: contentRect.clicked(vmText,vmData,vmIndex);

    Text {
        id: contentText
        text: vmText
        //color: (labelText.visible)? "#58595b" : "#cfcfcf"
        color: "#202020"
        //font.family: viewHome.robotoR.name
        font.pixelSize: 13
        verticalAlignment: TextInput.AlignVCenter
        anchors.verticalCenter: contentRect.verticalCenter
        leftPadding: 5


Я предоставлю все остальные файлы в моем проекте, чтобы предоставить полный MWE.Однако единственная цель большей части приведенного ниже кода - просто предоставить список строк с названиями стран и кодами стран по ISO.

Мои страны.h


#include <QStringList>

struct CountryStruct {

    void fillCountryList(bool inEnglish = true) {
        if (COUNTRY_CODE.size() != 0) return;
        /// TODO: Get the country list in spanish.
        if ((inEnglish) || (!inEnglish)){
            COUNTRY_LIST <<  "Afghanistan" << "Åland Islands" << "Albania" << "Algeria" << "American Samoa" << "Andorra" << "Angola" << "Anguilla" << "Antarctica"
                          << "Antigua and Barbuda" << "Argentina" << "Armenia" << "Aruba" << "Australia" << "Austria" << "Azerbaijan" << "Bahamas" << "Bahrain"
                          << "Bangladesh" << "Barbados" << "Belarus" << "Belgium" << "Belize" << "Benin" << "Bermuda" << "Bhutan" << "Bolivia, Plurinational State of"
                          << "Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba" << "Bosnia and Herzegovina" << "Botswana" << "Bouvet Island" << "Brazil" << "British Indian Ocean Territory"
                          << "Brunei Darussalam" << "Bulgaria" << "Burkina Faso" << "Burundi" << "Cambodia" << "Cameroon" << "Canada" << "Cape Verde" << "Cayman Islands"
                          << "Central African Republic" << "Chad" << "Chile" << "China" << "Christmas Island" << "Cocos (Keeling) Islands" << "Colombia" << "Comoros" << "Congo"
                          << "Congo, the Democratic Republic of the" << "Cook Islands" << "Costa Rica" << "Côte d'Ivoire" << "Croatia" << "Cuba" << "Curaçao" << "Cyprus"
                          << "Czech Republic" << "Denmark" << "Djibouti" << "Dominica" << "Dominican Republic" << "Ecuador" << "Egypt" << "El Salvador" << "Equatorial Guinea"
                          << "Eritrea" << "Estonia" << "Ethiopia" << "Falkland Islands (Malvinas)" << "Faroe Islands" << "Fiji" << "Finland" << "France" << "French Guiana"
                          << "French Polynesia" << "French Southern Territories" << "Gabon" << "Gambia" << "Georgia" << "Germany" << "Ghana" << "Gibraltar" << "Greece"
                          << "Greenland" << "Grenada" << "Guadeloupe" << "Guam" << "Guatemala" << "Guernsey" << "Guinea" << "Guinea-Bissau" << "Guyana" << "Haiti"
                          << "Heard Island and McDonald Islands" << "Holy See (Vatican City State)" << "Honduras" << "Hong Kong" << "Hungary" << "Iceland" << "India"
                          << "Indonesia" << "Iran, Islamic Republic of" << "Iraq" << "Ireland" << "Isle of Man" << "Israel" << "Italy" << "Jamaica" << "Japan" << "Jersey"
                          << "Jordan" << "Kazakhstan" << "Kenya" << "Kiribati" << "Korea, Democratic People's Republic of" << "Korea, Republic of" << "Kuwait" << "Kyrgyzstan"
                          << "Lao People's Democratic Republic" << "Latvia" << "Lebanon" << "Lesotho" << "Liberia" << "Libya" << "Liechtenstein" << "Lithuania" << "Luxembourg"
                          << "Macao" << "Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of" << "Madagascar" << "Malawi" << "Malaysia" << "Maldives" << "Mali" << "Malta"
                          << "Marshall Islands" << "Martinique" << "Mauritania" << "Mauritius" << "Mayotte" << "Mexico" << "Micronesia, Federated States of"
                          << "Moldova, Republic of" << "Monaco" << "Mongolia" << "Montenegro" << "Montserrat" << "Morocco" << "Mozambique" << "Myanmar" << "Namibia" << "Nauru"
                          << "Nepal" << "Netherlands" << "New Caledonia" << "New Zealand" << "Nicaragua" << "Niger" << "Nigeria" << "Niue" << "Norfolk Island"
                          << "Northern Mariana Islands" << "Norway" << "Oman" << "Pakistan" << "Palau" << "Palestinian Territory, Occupied" << "Panama" << "Papua New Guinea"
                          << "Paraguay" << "Peru" << "Philippines" << "Pitcairn" << "Poland" << "Portugal" << "Puerto Rico" << "Qatar" << "Réunion" << "Romania"
                          << "Russian Federation" << "Rwanda" << "Saint Barthélemy" << "Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha" << "Saint Kitts and Nevis" << "Saint Lucia"
                          << "Saint Martin (French part)" << "Saint Pierre and Miquelon" << "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines" << "Samoa" << "San Marino" << "Sao Tome and Principe"
                          << "Saudi Arabia" << "Scotland" << "Senegal" << "Serbia" << "Seychelles" << "Sierra Leone" << "Singapore" << "Sint Maarten (Dutch part)" << "Slovakia" << "Slovenia"
                          << "Solomon Islands" << "Somalia" << "South Africa" << "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands" << "South Sudan" << "Spain" << "Sri Lanka" << "Sudan"
                          << "Suriname" << "Svalbard and Jan Mayen" << "Swaziland" << "Sweden" << "Switzerland" << "Syrian Arab Republic" << "Taiwan, Province of China"
                          << "Tajikistan" << "Tanzania, United Republic of" << "Thailand" << "Timor-Leste" << "Togo" << "Tokelau" << "Tonga" << "Trinidad and Tobago" << "Tunisia"
                          << "Turkey" << "Turkmenistan" << "Turks and Caicos Islands" << "Tuvalu" << "Uganda" << "Ukraine" << "United Arab Emirates" << "United Kingdom"
                          << "United States" << "United States Minor Outlying Islands" << "Uruguay" << "Uzbekistan" << "Vanuatu" << "Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of" << "Viet Nam"
                          << "Virgin Islands, British" << "Virgin Islands, U.S." << "Wallis and Futuna" << "Western Sahara" << "Yemen" << "Zambia" << "Zimbabwe";
        /// TODO: Get the country list in english
        else return;

        COUNTRY_CODE << "AF" << "AX" << "AL" << "DZ" << "AS" << "AD" << "AO" << "AI" << "AQ" << "AG" << "AR" << "AM" << "AW" << "AU" << "AT" << "AZ"
                     << "BS" << "BH" << "BD" << "BB" << "BY" << "BE" << "BZ" << "BJ" << "BM" << "BT" << "BO" << "BQ" << "BA" << "BW" << "BV" << "BR"
                     << "IO" << "BN" << "BG" << "BF" << "BI" << "KH" << "CM" << "CA" << "CV" << "KY" << "CF" << "TD" << "CL" << "CN" << "CX" << "CC"
                     << "CO" << "KM" << "CG" << "CD" << "CK" << "CR" << "CI" << "HR" << "CU" << "CW" << "CY" << "CZ" << "DK" << "DJ" << "DM" << "DO"
                     << "EC" << "EG" << "SV" << "GQ" << "ER" << "EE" << "ET" << "FK" << "FO" << "FJ" << "FI" << "FR" << "GF" << "PF" << "TF" << "GA"
                     << "GM" << "GE" << "DE" << "GH" << "GI" << "GR" << "GL" << "GD" << "GP" << "GU" << "GT" << "GG" << "GN" << "GW" << "GY" << "HT"
                     << "HM" << "VA" << "HN" << "HK" << "HU" << "IS" << "IN" << "ID" << "IR" << "IQ" << "IE" << "IM" << "IL" << "IT" << "JM" << "JP"
                     << "JE" << "JO" << "KZ" << "KE" << "KI" << "KP" << "KR" << "KW" << "KG" << "LA" << "LV" << "LB" << "LS" << "LR" << "LY" << "LI"
                     << "LT" << "LU" << "MO" << "MK" << "MG" << "MW" << "MY" << "MV" << "ML" << "MT" << "MH" << "MQ" << "MR" << "MU" << "YT" << "MX"
                     << "FM" << "MD" << "MC" << "MN" << "ME" << "MS" << "MA" << "MZ" << "MM" << "NA" << "NR" << "NP" << "NL" << "NC" << "NZ" << "NI"
                     << "NE" << "NG" << "NU" << "NF" << "MP" << "NO" << "OM" << "PK" << "PW" << "PS" << "PA" << "PG" << "PY" << "PE" << "PH" << "PN"
                     << "PL" << "PT" << "PR" << "QA" << "RE" << "RO" << "RU" << "RW" << "BL" << "SH" << "KN" << "LC" << "MF" << "PM" << "VC" << "WS"
                     << "SM" << "ST" << "SA" << "SQ" << "SN" << "RS" << "SC" << "SL" << "SG" << "SX" << "SK" << "SI" << "SB" << "SO" << "ZA" << "GS"
                     << "SS" << "ES" << "LK" << "SD" << "SR" << "SJ" << "SZ" << "SE" << "CH" << "SY" << "TW" << "TJ" << "TZ" << "TH" << "TL" << "TG"
                     << "TK" << "TO" << "TT" << "TN" << "TR" << "TM" << "TC" << "TV" << "UG" << "UA" << "AE" << "GB" << "US" << "UM" << "UY" << "UZ"
                     << "VU" << "VE" << "VN" << "VG" << "VI" << "WF" << "EH" << "YE" << "ZM" << "ZW";


    QString getCodeForCountry(const QString &country){
        int index = COUNTRY_LIST.indexOf(country);
        if (index == -1) return "";
        else return COUNTRY_CODE.at(index);

    QString getCountrFromCode (const QString &code){
        int index = COUNTRY_CODE.indexOf(code);
        if (index == -1)  return "";
        else return COUNTRY_LIST.at(index);

    qint32 getIndexFromCode(const QString &countryCode){
        return COUNTRY_CODE.indexOf(countryCode);

    QString getCodeFromIndex (int index){
        if (index == -1)  return "";
        else return COUNTRY_CODE.at(index);

    QStringList getCountryList() const {return COUNTRY_LIST;}
    QStringList getCodeList() const {return COUNTRY_CODE;}

    QStringList COUNTRY_LIST;
    QStringList COUNTRY_CODE;


#endif // COUNTRIES_H

Мой загрузчик.h

#ifndef LOADER_H
#define LOADER_H

#include <QObject>
#include <QUrl>
#include <QQuickWindow>

#include "countries.h"

class Loader : public QObject
    explicit Loader(QObject *parent = nullptr, CountryStruct *cs = nullptr);
    Q_INVOKABLE QStringList getCountryList() {return countries->getCountryList();}
    Q_INVOKABLE QStringList getCountryCodeList() {return countries->getCodeList();}

public slots:

    // The list of countries and their codes.
    CountryStruct *countries;

#endif // LOADER_H

Мой loader.cpp

#include "loader.h"

Loader::Loader(QObject *parent, CountryStruct *cs) : QObject(parent)
    countries = cs;



И, наконец, мой main.cpp

#include <QGuiApplication>
#include <QQmlApplicationEngine>
#include <QQmlContext>
#include "loader.h"

CountryStruct countries;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
#if defined(Q_OS_WIN)

    QGuiApplication app(argc, argv);

    QQmlApplicationEngine engine;

    Loader loader(nullptr,&countries);
    engine.rootContext()->setContextProperty("loader", &loader);

    if (engine.rootObjects().isEmpty())
        return -1;

    return app.exec();

Это было скомпилировано с MSVC2015 32bit (как того требует настоящий проект, где этоis) с помощью Qt 5.9

Проблема иллюстрируется на рисунке ниже:

enter image description here

1 Ответ

0 голосов
/ 12 декабря 2018

Необходимо установить свойство z ​​ на высокое значение по отношению к другим элементам, например 1, поскольку по умолчанию z равно 0.

    id: diagDBDefaultCountry
    z: 1 // <--
    // ...

enter image description here

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