Я застрял в этой проблеме с Post Request, который выдает ошибку 400, неверный запрос, я проверил JSON RequestBody через okHttpInterceptor от Retrofit, и Json проверил правильность.Я не знаю, в чем проблема с requestBody.хотя он работает с ModelAttribute, но я хочу передать данные как requestBody.
Это мой Spring Controller ->
@RequestMapping(value = "/updateProfile", method = RequestMethod.POST, consumes = "application/json", produces = "application/json")
public BasicResponse farmerUpdateProfile(@RequestBody UpdateFarmerRequest updateFarmerRequest, HttpServletRequest request) {
BasicResponse response = new BasicResponse();
// get authentication token and farmer ID from header
String requestAuthToken = (String) request.getHeader(MOBILE_AUTH);
String requestFarmerId = (String) request.getHeader(FARMER_ID);
// update farmer data, if id and AuthTokens are same...
// Validate Authentication Token
try {
if (!farmerMobileManager.validateAuthToken(requestFarmerId, requestAuthToken)) {
response.setResponse("Bad request error");
return response;
farmerMobileManager.updateFarmerRequest(updateFarmerRequest, response, requestFarmerId);
} catch (Exception ex) {
response.setResponse("Error fetching prescriptions");
return response;
Это мой UpdateFarmerRequestClass.
public class UpdateFarmerRequest {
private Farmer farmer;
public void setFarmer(Farmer farmer) {
this.farmer = farmer;
public Farmer getFarmer() {
return farmer;
Это мой Farmerclass ->
public class Farmer extends User {
private String farmerReferenceId;
private String cropId;
private String nomineeName;
private NomineeRelation nomineeRelation;
private String stateName;
private String mandalName;
private String villageName;
private String houseNumber;
private Boolean smartPhoneUser;
private SocialStatus socialStatus;
private EducationLevel educationLevel;
private String aadharNumber;
private String stateId;
private String districtId;
private String mandalId;
private String villageId;
private Boolean oneTimeDataEntered = false;
private ArrayList<CropData> cropData;
public String getHouseNumber() {
return houseNumber;
public String getCropId() {
return cropId;
public void setCropId(String cropId) {
this.cropId = cropId;
public List<CropData> getCropData() {
return cropData;
public void setCropData(List<CropData> cropData) {
List<CropData> newCropData = new ArrayList<>();
for (CropData cropDataItem : cropData) {
Boolean didFind = false;
for (CropData farmerCropData : this.cropData) {
// if it matched in db, update the record.
if (farmerCropData.getCrop().name().equals(cropDataItem.getCrop().name())) {
// update that you got the db record
didFind = true;
if (!didFind) {
// if you didn't fnd the record, add to new crop data
public void setHouseNumber(String houseNumber) {
this.houseNumber = houseNumber;
public String getStateName() {
return stateName;
public void setStateName(String stateName) {
this.stateName = stateName;
public Farmer() {
public String getNomineeName() {
return nomineeName;
public void setNomineeName(String nomineeName) {
this.nomineeName = nomineeName;
public NomineeRelation getNomineeRelation() {
return nomineeRelation;
public void setNomineeRelation(NomineeRelation nomineeRelation) {
this.nomineeRelation = nomineeRelation;
public String getMandalName() {
return mandalName;
public void setMandalName(String mandalName) {
this.mandalName = mandalName;
public String getVillageName() {
return villageName;
public void setVillageName(String villageName) {
this.villageName = villageName;
public Boolean getSmartPhoneUser() {
return smartPhoneUser;
public void setSmartPhoneUser(Boolean smartPhoneUser) {
this.smartPhoneUser = smartPhoneUser;
public SocialStatus getSocialStatus() {
return socialStatus;
public void setSocialStatus(SocialStatus socialStatus) {
this.socialStatus = socialStatus;
public EducationLevel getEducationLevel() {
return educationLevel;
public void setEducationLevel(EducationLevel educationLevel) {
this.educationLevel = educationLevel;
public String getAadharNumber() {
return aadharNumber;
public void setAadharNumber(String aadharNumber) {
this.aadharNumber = aadharNumber;
public String getFarmerReferenceId() {
return farmerReferenceId;
public void setFarmerReferenceId(String farmerReferenceId) {
this.farmerReferenceId = farmerReferenceId;
public String getStateId() {
return stateId;
public void setStateId(String stateId) {
this.stateId = stateId;
public String getDistrictId() {
return districtId;
public void setDistrictId(String districtId) {
this.districtId = districtId;
public String getMandalId() {
return mandalId;
public void setMandalId(String mandalId) {
this.mandalId = mandalId;
public String getVillageId() {
return villageId;
public void setVillageId(String villageId) {
this.villageId = villageId;
public Boolean getOneTimeDataEntered() {
return oneTimeDataEntered;
public void setOneTimeDataEntered(Boolean oneTimeDataEntered) {
this.oneTimeDataEntered = oneTimeDataEntered;
public List<String> collectErrors() {
List<String> errors = new ArrayList<String>();
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(this.villageId)) {
// if (StringUtils.isEmpty(this.nomineeName)) {
// errors.add("nomineeName");
// }
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(this.getFirstName())) {
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(this.getPhoneNumber()) || !CommonUtils.validatePhoneNumber(this.getPhoneNumber())) {
return errors;
public List<String> collectSignUpErrors() {
List<String> errors = new ArrayList<String>();
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(this.villageId)) {
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(this.getFirstName())) {
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(this.getPhoneNumber()) || !CommonUtils.validatePhoneNumber(this.getPhoneNumber())) {
return errors;
public static class Constants extends User.Constants {
public static final String FARMER_REFERENCE_ID = "farmerReferenceId";
public static final String AADHAR_NUMBER = "aadharNumber";
public static final String MANDAL_ID = "mandalId";
public static final String VILLAGE_ID = "villageId";
public static final String FARMER_ID = "_id";
это мой RequestBody, который я отправляю в POSTMAN.
RequestBody ->
"farmer": {
"city": "",
"mandalName": "",
"stateName": "",
"villageName": "",
"countryCode": "+",
"cropData": [{
"crop": "RICE",
"cropAcres": 1.0,
"cropName": "RICE",
"cropYield": 2.0
}, {
"crop": "PADDY",
"cropAcres": 4.0,
"cropName": "PADDY",
"cropYield": 5.0
"cropId": "",
"districtId": "",
"farmerReferenceId": "",
"firstName": "",
"houseNumber": "",
"id": "",
"mandalId": "",
"phoneNumber": "",
"stateId": "",
"villageId": ""
Данные не пусты, но я намеренно не заполняю их в целях конфиденциальности.