Вы добавляете дополнительные поля в вашей корзине так:
$discount = 50.00; //depends on your logic
$data = array(
'id'=> random_string('alnum', 16).time(),
'product_code' => $product_id_,
'qty' => $qty,
'price' => $price-$discount, //your cart total() is net of discount already
'name' => $product_name,
'photo' => $photo,
'category' => $category,
$this->cart->product_name_safe = FALSE; //this is okay because i got the name from our database not from user input.
$this->cart->product_id_rules = '[:print:]'; //this will allow special chars in product code
$this->cart->product_name_rules = '[:print:]'; //this will allow special chars in product name
$this->cart->insert($data); //add item in your cart.