Я хочу знать, как df.describe() и df.summary() реализованы
Как и в https://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/api/python/_modules/pyspark/sql/dataframe.html#DataFrame.summary
def summary(self, *statistics): if len(statistics) == 1 and isinstance(statistics[0], list): statistics = statistics[0] jdf = self._jdf.summary(self._jseq(statistics)) return DataFrame(jdf, self.sql_ctx)
Я не очень знаком с OO в Python, и я 'Я немного смущен.Где реализована квантиль и другая статистика?
Код Python вызывает свой метод summary:
jdf = self._jdf.summary(self._jseq(statistics))
Dataset.summary вызовы StatFunctions.summary метод
def summary(statistics: String*): DataFrame = StatFunctions.summary(this, statistics.toSeq)
Который реализован следующим образом:
def summary(ds: Dataset[_], statistics: Seq[String]): DataFrame = { val defaultStatistics = Seq("count", "mean", "stddev", "min", "25%", "50%", "75%", "max") val selectedStatistics = if (statistics.nonEmpty) statistics else defaultStatistics val percentiles = selectedStatistics.filter(a => a.endsWith("%")).map { p => try { p.stripSuffix("%").toDouble / 100.0 } catch { case e: NumberFormatException => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unable to parse $p as a percentile", e) } } require(percentiles.forall(p => p >= 0 && p <= 1), "Percentiles must be in the range [0, 1]") var percentileIndex = 0 val statisticFns = selectedStatistics.map { stats => if (stats.endsWith("%")) { val index = percentileIndex percentileIndex += 1 (child: Expression) => GetArrayItem( new ApproximatePercentile(child, Literal.create(percentiles)).toAggregateExpression(), Literal(index)) } else { stats.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT) match { case "count" => (child: Expression) => Count(child).toAggregateExpression() case "mean" => (child: Expression) => Average(child).toAggregateExpression() case "stddev" => (child: Expression) => StddevSamp(child).toAggregateExpression() case "min" => (child: Expression) => Min(child).toAggregateExpression() case "max" => (child: Expression) => Max(child).toAggregateExpression() case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"$stats is not a recognised statistic") } } } val selectedCols = ds.logicalPlan.output .filter(a => a.dataType.isInstanceOf[NumericType] || a.dataType.isInstanceOf[StringType]) val aggExprs = statisticFns.flatMap { func => selectedCols.map(c => Column(Cast(func(c), StringType)).as(c.name)) } // If there is no selected columns, we don't need to run this aggregate, so make it a lazy val. lazy val aggResult = ds.select(aggExprs: _*).queryExecution.toRdd.collect().head // We will have one row for each selected statistic in the result. val result = Array.fill[InternalRow](selectedStatistics.length) { // each row has the statistic name, and statistic values of each selected column. new GenericInternalRow(selectedCols.length + 1) } var rowIndex = 0 while (rowIndex < result.length) { val statsName = selectedStatistics(rowIndex) result(rowIndex).update(0, UTF8String.fromString(statsName)) for (colIndex <- selectedCols.indices) { val statsValue = aggResult.getUTF8String(rowIndex * selectedCols.length + colIndex) result(rowIndex).update(colIndex + 1, statsValue) } rowIndex += 1 } // All columns are string type val output = AttributeReference("summary", StringType)() +: selectedCols.map(c => AttributeReference(c.name, StringType)()) Dataset.ofRows(ds.sparkSession, LocalRelation(output, result)) }