Возможно, не лучшее решение, но это должно сработать:
import os
import boto3
import json
import logging
def lambda_handler(event, context):
# Fetch the bucket name and the file
bucket = event['Records'][0]['s3']['bucket']['name']
key = event['Records'][0]['s3']['object']['key']
# Generate record in DynamoDB
try :
# Declare S3 bucket and DynamoDB Boto3 Clients
s3_client = boto3.client('s3')
dynamodb = boto3.resource('dynamodb')
# Read the Object using get_object API
obj = s3_client.get_object(Bucket=bucket, Key=key)
rows = obj['Body'].read().decode("utf-8").split('\n')
tableName = os.environ['DB_TABLE_NAME']
table = dynamodb.Table(tableName)
log.info("TableName: " + tableName)
# Need client just to access the Exception
dynamodb_client = boto3.client('dynamodb')
try :
first = True
# Write the CSV file to the DynamoDB Table
with table.batch_writer() as batch:
for row in rows:
if first:
first = False
'x': row.split(',')[0],
'c': row.split(',')[1],
'w': row.split(',')[2],
'f': row.split(',')[3]
print('Finished Inserting into TableName: ' + tableName)
except dynamodb_client.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundException as tableNotFoundEx:
return ('ERROR: Unable to locate DynamoDB table: ', tableName)
except KeyError as dynamoDBKeyError:
msg = 'ERROR: Need DynamoDB Environment Var: DB_TABLE_NAME'
return msg;
Возможно, было бы лучше использовать цикл for i in range(1, len(rows))
, но приведенное выше требует меньше изменений в коде