Вот тот, который я придумал. Он либо жестко кодирует имена свойств, либо вы можете использовать атрибут [Key], если хотите.
///// <summary>
///// Creates an indexed list. Requires that [Key] attribute be applied to a property in TValue object.
///// </summary>
///// <example>
///// public class Test
///// {
///// [Key]
///// public int Id { get; set; }
///// }
///// IndexedList<int, Test> tests;
///// </example>
///// <typeparam name="TKey"></typeparam>
///// <typeparam name="TValue"></typeparam>
public class IndexedList<TKey, TValue> : KeyedCollection<TKey, TValue>
PropertyInfo keyProperty;
public IndexedList()
foreach (var property in typeof(TValue).GetProperties())
// this requires .net 4, which I couldn't use due to the WPF shadow effect deprication
//if (property.PropertyType == typeof(TKey) && property.IsDefined(typeof(KeyAttribute), true))
if (property.PropertyType == typeof(TKey) && (property.Name.ToUpper() == "ID" || property.Name.ToUpper() == "KEY"))
keyProperty = property;
throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("Unable to find a property in {0} that is named Id or Key and is of type {1}.", typeof(TValue).Name, typeof(TKey).Name));
protected override TKey GetKeyForItem(TValue item)
return (TKey)keyProperty.GetValue(item, null);