Это сработало для меня ...
$ cat -n tf.py
1 import sys
2 import re
4 if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
5 print ("ERROR: This script is using Python version %s" % (sys.version_info[0]))
6 print (" It must be using Python 3 or greater")
7 exit(-1)
9 from pyral import Rally, rallyWorkset
11 options = [arg for arg in sys.argv[1:] if arg.startswith('--')]
12 args = [arg for arg in sys.argv[1:] if arg not in options]
13 server, user, password, apikey, workspace, project = rallyWorkset(options)
15 print("Using Python version '%s'" % sys.version_info[0])
16 print("Connecting to Rally with options:")
17 print("\t server: %s" % server)
18 print("\t user: %s" % user)
19 hidden_apikey = apikey[:4] + re.sub(".",".",apikey[4:-4]) + apikey[-4:]
20 print("\t apikey: %s" % hidden_apikey)
21 print("\tworkspace: %s" % workspace)
22 print("\t project: %s" % project)
24 rally = Rally(server, user, password, apikey, workspace=workspace, project=project)
26 testfolders = rally.get('TestFolder', fetch=True, query='')
27 folders_found = testfolders.resultCount
28 print ("TestFolders found: %s" % folders_found)
30 for folder_index,folder in enumerate(testfolders, start=1):
31 print ("\ttestfolder (%s of %s): FormattedID=%s ObjectID=%s Name='%s'" %
32 (folder_index, folders_found, folder.FormattedID,folder.ObjectID,folder.Name))
Командная строка:
$ python ./tf.py --user=wiley.com@acme.com --password=coyote --workspace=WS-test --project='Sample'
Using Python version '3'
Connecting to Rally with options:
server: rally1.rallydev.com
user: wiley@acme.com
workspace: WS-test
project: Sample
TestFolders found: 2
testfolder (1 of 2): FormattedID=TF1 ObjectID=229499794780 Name='JP 1st TestFolder'
testfolder (2 of 2): FormattedID=TF3 ObjectID=289446576888 Name='JP 2nd TestFolder'