Я не могу остановить эту ветку deamon о событиях прерывания - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 20 февраля 2019

Я пытаюсь запустить кучу потоков deamon в Python и обрабатываю сигналы, которые должны срабатывать при нажатии Ctrl + C или прерывании.При первом запуске у него работает только 1 поток, во второй - 2 потока и т. Д.Он продолжает порождать потоки и не закрывает их должным образом.Может ли кто-нибудь любезно указать, почему worker.join не работает внутри call

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
An example url status checker that uses events to stop threads.

import threading
import queue
import signal
import sys
import requests
import time
import redis

# Create redis client
redis_client = redis.Redis()
pubsub = redis_client.pubsub()

# Subscribe to values channel

class StatusChecker(threading.Thread):
    The thread that will check HTTP statuses.

    #: An event that tells the thread to stop
    stopper = None

    def __init__(self, stopper):
        self.stopper = stopper

#         Run the thread in daemon mode
        self.daemon = True

    def run(self):
        while not self.stopper.is_set():
#                 Infinitely listen to pubsub messages
                for message in pubsub.listen():
                    # this will throw queue.Empty immediately if there's
                    # no tasks left
                    print(message, self.getName())
            except Exception as e:

class SignalHandler:
    The object that will handle signals and stop the worker threads.

    #: The stop event that's shared by this handler and threads.
    stopper = None

    #: The pool of worker threads
    workers = None

    def __init__(self, stopper, workers):
        self.stopper = stopper
        self.workers = workers

    def __call__(self, signum, frame):
        This will be called by the python signal module
#         Join the workers
        for worker in self.workers:

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # all the variables we'll need
    num_workers = 1
    stopper = threading.Event()

    # we need to keep track of the workers but not start them yet
    workers = [StatusChecker(stopper) for i in range(num_workers)]

    # create our signal handler and connect it
    handler = SignalHandler(stopper, workers)
    signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, handler)

    # start the threads!
    for i, worker in enumerate(workers):
        print('Starting worker {}'.format(i))