Единство после учебного вертолета не может летать - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 20 февраля 2019

привет, я новичок в единстве, но мне становится лучше.Я пытаюсь сделать вертолет У меня есть простой вертолет, который я сделал в 3ds max, который я экспортировал с правильной осью.Я нашел этот урок, который я Java-скрипт должен преобразовать в C #.ссылка на Учебное пособие https://andrewgotow.files.wordpress.com/2014/08/helicoptertutorial.pdf

Но это не говорит о том, как вертолет связан, поэтому не знаю, если это то, что я делаю неправильно.У меня есть пустой игровой объект со сценарием и твердым телом, который является родителем тела и рота

вращение рота с правым джойстиком влево замедляет его, или правое ускоряет его на моем ps4 и целомдумаю, что вращается влево и вправо с левым джойстиком на PS4, так что это кажется хорошим.но я не могу заставить его летать, просто падаю на бок, любая помощь была бы велика, спасибо за поиск

здесь мой проект


вот сценарий

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class heli : MonoBehaviour
 public GameObject main_Rotor_GameObject;            // gameObject to be animated
 public GameObject tail_Rotor_GameObject;          // gameObject to be animated

public float max_Rotor_Force  = 22241.1081f;    // newtons
public float max_Rotor_Velocity = 7200;         // degrees per second
public float rotor_Velocity  = 0.0f;            // value between 0 and 1
public float rotor_Rotation = 0.0f;             // degrees... used for animating rotors

public float max_tail_Rotor_Force  = 15000.0f;      // newtons
public float max_Tail_Rotor_Velocity = 2200.0f;      // degrees per second
public float tail_Rotor_Velocity  = 0.0f;           // value between 0 and 1
public float tail_Rotor_Rotation  = 0.0f;           // degrees... used for animating rotors

public float forward_Rotor_Torque_Multiplier = 0.5f;            // multiplier for control input
public float sideways_Rotor_Torque_Multiplier =  0.5f;          // multiplier for control input

public bool main_Rotor_Active = true;       // boolean for determining if a prop is active
public bool tail_Rotor_Active = true;       // boolean for determining if a prop is active
public Vector3 torqueValue;

public Rigidbody rb;

// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()


   //Forces are applied in a fixed update function so that they are 
consistent no matter what the frame rate of the game is.This is
// important to keeping the helicopter stable in the air. If the forces were 
applied at an inconsistent rate, the helicopter would behave 
// irregularly.
void FixedUpdate()
    // First we must compute the torque values that are applied to the 
 helicopter by the propellers. The "Control Torque" is used to simulate
    // the variable angle of the blades on a helicopter and the "Torque 
 Value" is the final sum of the torque from the engine attached to the 
    // main rotor, and the torque applied by the tail rotor.
   // Vector3 torqueValue;
    Vector3 controlTorque =  new Vector3(Input.GetAxis("Vertical") * 
 forward_Rotor_Torque_Multiplier, 1.0f, -Input.GetAxis("Horizontal2") * 

    // Now check if the main rotor is active, if it is, then add it's torque 
 to the "Torque Value", and apply the forces to the body of the 
    // helicopter.
    if (main_Rotor_Active == true)
        torqueValue += (controlTorque * max_Rotor_Force * rotor_Velocity);

        // Now the force of the prop is applied. The main rotor applies a 
 force direclty related to the maximum force of the prop and the 
        // prop velocity (a value from 0 to 1)
       // rb.AddRelativeForce(Vector3.up * max_Rotor_Force * rotor_Velocity);

        // This is simple code to help stabilize the helicopter. It 
 essentially pulls the body back towards neutral when it is at an angle to
        // prevent it from tumbling in the air.
        if (Vector3.Angle(Vector3.up, transform.up) < 80)
            transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation, 
Quaternion.Euler(0, transform.rotation.eulerAngles.y, 0), Time.deltaTime * 
rotor_Velocity * 2);

    // Now we check to make sure the tail rotor is active, if it is, we add 
it's force to the "Torque Value"
    if (tail_Rotor_Active == true)
        torqueValue -= (Vector3.up * max_tail_Rotor_Force * 

    // And finally, apply the torques to the body of the helicopter.


void Update()
    // This line simply changes the pitch of the attached audio emitter to 
   match the speed of the main rotor.
   // GetComponent.< AudioSource > ().pitch = rotor_Velocity;

    // Now we animate the rotors, simply by setting their rotation to an 
  increasing value multiplied by the helicopter body's rotation.
    if (main_Rotor_Active == true)
        main_Rotor_GameObject.transform.rotation = transform.rotation * 
 Quaternion.Euler(0, rotor_Rotation, 0);
    if (tail_Rotor_Active == true)
        tail_Rotor_GameObject.transform.rotation = transform.rotation * 
 Quaternion.Euler(tail_Rotor_Rotation, 0, 0);

    // this just increases the rotation value for the animation of the 
    rotor_Rotation += max_Rotor_Velocity * rotor_Velocity * Time.deltaTime;
    tail_Rotor_Rotation += max_Tail_Rotor_Velocity * rotor_Velocity * 

    // here we find the velocity required to keep the helicopter level. With 
 the rotors at this speed, all forces on the helicopter cancel 
    // each other out and it should hover as-is.
    var hover_Rotor_Velocity = (rb.mass * Mathf.Abs(Physics.gravity.y) / 
    var hover_Tail_Rotor_Velocity = (max_Rotor_Force * rotor_Velocity) / 

    // Now check if the player is applying any throttle control input, if 
 they are, then increase or decrease the prop velocity, otherwise, 
    // slowly LERP the rotor speed to the neutral speed. The tail rotor 
velocity is set to the neutral speed plus the player horizontal input. 
    // Because the torque applied by the main rotor is directly proportional 
to the velocity of the main rotor and the velocity of the tail rotor,
    // so when the tail rotor velocity decreases, the body of the helicopter 
    if (Input.GetAxis("Vertical2") != 0.0)
        rotor_Velocity += Input.GetAxis("Vertical2") * 0.001f;
        rotor_Velocity = Mathf.Lerp(rotor_Velocity, hover_Rotor_Velocity, Time.deltaTime * Time.deltaTime * 5);
    tail_Rotor_Velocity = hover_Tail_Rotor_Velocity - Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");

    // now we set velocity limits. The multiplier for rotor velocity is fixed to a range between 0 and 1. You can limit the tail rotor velocity 
    // too, but this makes it more difficult to balance the helicopter variables so that the helicopter will fly well.
    if (rotor_Velocity > 1.0)
        rotor_Velocity = 1.0f;
    else if (rotor_Velocity < 0.0)
        rotor_Velocity = 0.0f;


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