Заимствование из того, что пользователь @Oram описывал об использовании классов вместо data-attr
function triggerFailure(){ //replace this with the actual function you use to trigger the FAILED text
var i, tdEles = document.getElementsByTagName("td");
//Loop through all the elements with tag name td
//And change their class to "failed"
//So that the CSS code can take care of it and change the background to red
var td = tdEles[i];
//As an extra, this helps to remove formatting of where the value of the td changes from FAILED to success
td.className = td.className.replace(/ failed/gi,"");
if(td.innerHTML.toLowerCase().indexOf("failed")!= -1){
//word failed has been found
//Note that it matches any case where it can find the word "failed"
td.className+=" failed";
function togglePassed(){
document.getElementById("toToggle").innerHTML = (document.getElementById("toToggle").innerHTML=="Failed")?"Passed":"Failed";
padding: 10px; /* just beautification */
background: red;
/* You can add other stuff here in case you want something more fancy than just a red background*/
<input type="button" onclick="triggerFailure()" value="Turn Failures red" />
<input type="button" onclick="togglePassed()" value="Toggle Failed and Passed" />
<td id="toToggle">Failed</td>
<td>Just gibberish</td>
<td>Oh no something failed!</td>
Кроме того, я не знаю, какую функцию вы используете, чтобы превратить ваш текст в тд в "FAILED" , но вы должны вызвать вышеуказанный код JS в вашей функции.