Я испытываю некоторые трудности с частью моего кода.Netlogo reort "Невозможно использовать GO в контексте наблюдателя, потому что только патч"
Я предполагаю, что это потому, что в части go я прошу процедуру (CACULATEWILANDATRAC), которая не начинается с "ask Patches",Однако продукт (CACULATEWILANDATRAC) предназначен для вычисления одной из собственных переменных патчей, поэтому запрос исправлений здесь не подходит.
Я все еще пытался решить эту проблему, помещая исправления запроса перед извлечением, но затем получаю другойошибка при запуске модели: «только наблюдатель может задавать ASK набор всех исправлений. ошибка, когда исправление 1079 509 выполняет ASK, вызванное (анонимная команда: [[the-Land-use the-Senario] -> ask patches [if count patches)with [the-Land-use]> the-Senario [set Willingstochange True]]]), вызываемый процедурой CACULATEWILANDATRAC "
Таким образом, проблема заключается в том, где вызывать процедуру CACULATEWILANDATRAC?Теперь это часть процедуры go, но это дает ошибку «Не удается использовать XXX в контексте наблюдателя, потому что только черепаха».
Весь мой код:
> extensions [gis]
Senario1N ;; the count of patches senario 1 describes
%landusetypeN ;; the amount patches
Willingstochange ;; If true a patch would like to change (if true the count of patches has a surplus comparing to the sneario, if false they have a shortage)
atractiveness ;; if a patch type is attractive to change in <1 = yess
[ Land-use ;; Wat kind og landusetype a patch has
to setup
load-gis ;;load the maps
to load-gis ;;load the maps
set land-use-map gis:load-dataset "a_LANDUSE_cellsize5.asc" ;;loads the land use map
gis:set-world-envelope-ds gis:envelope-of land-use-map ;;sets the envelope of the world to match that of the GIS dataset
gis:apply-raster land-use-map Land-use ;;patches in the land-use-map have a specific land-use now
ask patches [
if Land-use = 1 [ set pcolor Green ] ; Green = Nature ;; patches have a certain color now
if Land-use = 2 [ set pcolor red ] ; Dark red = Leisure
if Land-use = 3 [ set pcolor Yellow ] ; Yellow = Agriculture
if Land-use = 4 [ set pcolor brown ] ; brouwn = Buildup
if Land-use = 5 [ set pcolor grey ] ; grey = roads
if Land-use = 6 [ set pcolor pink ] ; pink = industry
if Land-use = 7 [ set pcolor blue ] ; Blue = water
resize-world 0 1633 0 780
set-patch-size 1
to setup-constants
set Senario1N 49174 ;; the count of patches senario 1 describes
set Senario1L 17871
set Senario1A 569970
set Senario1B 34202
set Senario1I 5540
set Senario1R 34968
set Senario1W 65594
to go ;; this asks the model to caculate certain variables defined below
to givecountlansusetypes ;; here the cuurent amount of patches is shown
show count patches with [Land-use = 1]
show count patches with [Land-use = 2]
show count patches with [Land-use = 3]
show count patches with [Land-use = 4]
show count patches with [Land-use = 5]
show count patches with [Land-use = 6]
show count patches with [Land-use = 7]
to update-display
ask patches
if Land-use = 1 [ set pcolor Green ] ;; Green = Nature ;; patches have a certain color now
if Land-use = 2 [ set pcolor red ] ;; Dark red = Leisure
if Land-use = 3 [ set pcolor yellow ] ;; Yellow = Agriculture
if Land-use = 4 [ set pcolor brown ] ;; brouwn = Buildup
if Land-use = 5 [ set pcolor grey ] ;; grey = roads
if Land-use = 6 [ set pcolor pink ] ;; pink = industry
if Land-use = 7 [ set pcolor blue ] ;; Blue = water
to update-global-variables
if count patches > 0
[ set %landusetypeN (count patches with [ Land-use = 1 ] / count patches) * 100
set %landusetypeL (count patches with [ Land-use = 2 ] / count patches) * 100
set %landusetypeA (count patches with [ Land-use = 3 ] / count patches) * 100
set %landusetypeB (count patches with [ Land-use = 4 ] / count patches) * 100
set %landusetypeI (count patches with [ Land-use = 6 ] / count patches) * 100
to caculateWILandAtrac
;; Sets Willingness to change true if patches are with more fellowpatches than the senario decribes
(foreach list (Land-use = 1) (Land-use = 2)[49174 17871]
[ [the-Land-use the-Senario] -> ask patches [if count patches with [the-Land-use] > the-Senario [ set Willingstochange True ] ] ])
;; gives score to the patches attractiveness based on the ratio patches/senario
(foreach list (Land-use = 1) (Land-use = 2)[49174 17871]
[ [the-Land-use the-Senario] -> ask patches [ set atractiveness (count patches with [the-Land-use]/ the-Senario) ] ])
to askforchange
ask patches [
if Willingstochange = true [change] ;; this ask the patches that are willing to change (have a surpuls) to go and change
to change
ask neighbors with [Willingstochange = false ] ;; this asks if the patch had neigbors with a shortage
[set Atractiveneighbor min-one-of patches [atractiveness]] ;; this asks to give the neigbor with the lowest patchcount/senario ratio
ask patches [set Land-use ([Land-use] of Atractiveneighbor)] ;; this asks the patches to change their land-use to the land-use of neigbor with the lowest patchcount/senario ratio