Я пытаюсь построить модель CNN, используя Keras Functional API, но всякий раз, когда я пытаюсь выполнить эту строку кода: model = CNN(settings, np.expand_dims(x_train, axis = 3)).build_network()
Я продолжаю сталкиваться со следующей проблемой:
ValueError: График отключен: невозможно получить значение для тензорного тензора («input_11: 0», shape = (?, 28, 28, 1), dtype = float32) на слое «input_11».Следующие предыдущие слои были доступны без проблем: []
Вот мой код:
class CNN:
def __init__(self, settings, data):
self.flag = False
self.settings = settings
if self.check_network_settings() == False:
self.flag = True
self.data = data
if K.image_data_format() == "channels_first":
self.data = self.data.reshape(data.shape[0], data.shape[3], data.shape[2], data.shape[1])
def show_model_chart(self):
if not os.path.isfile('model.png'):
plot_model(self.model, to_file = 'model.png')
model_pic = cv2.imread('model.png')
def build_network(self):
print('Bulding Convolutional Neural Network ...')
inputs = Input(shape = (self.data.shape[1], self.data.shape[2], self.data.shape[3]))
final_output = None
for layer_idx in range(self.settings['conv']['layers']):
inputs = Conv2D(
filters = self.settings['conv']['filters'][layer_idx],
kernel_size = self.settings['conv']['kernel_size'][layer_idx],
strides = self.settings['conv']['strides'][layer_idx],
padding = self.settings['conv']['padding']
if self.settings['pooling']['apply'] == True:
inputs = MaxPooling2D(
pool_size = self.settings['pooling']['pool_size'][layer_idx],
strides = self.settings['pooling']['strides'][layer_idx],
padding = self.settings['pooling']['padding']
inputs = Activation(
activation = self.settings['detector_stage'][layer_idx]
inputs = Flatten()(inputs)
for dense_layer_idx in range(self.settings['dense']['layers']):
if self.settings['dense']['activations'][dense_layer_idx] != 'softmax':
inputs = Dense(
units = self.settings['dense']['output_units'][dense_layer_idx],
activation = self.settings['dense']['activations'][dense_layer_idx]
final_output = Dense(
units = self.settings['dense']['output_units'][dense_layer_idx],
activation = self.settings['dense']['activations'][dense_layer_idx]
self.model = Model(inputs = inputs, outputs = final_output)
def check_network_settings(self):
for key in self.settings:
if key == 'conv':
if set(self.settings['conv'].keys()) != {'layers', 'filters', 'kernel_size', 'strides', 'padding'}:
print('[INCORRECT SETTINGS]: Convolutional layers ...')
return False
elif key == 'pooling':
if set(self.settings['pooling'].keys()) != {'apply', 'pool_size', 'strides', 'padding'}:
print('[INCORRECT SETTINGS]: Pooling layers ...')
return False
if len(self.settings['pooling']['apply']) != self.settings['conv']['layers']:
print('Please specify wether or not to apply pooling for each convolutional layer')
return False
elif key == 'detector_stage':
if self.settings['conv']['layers'] != len(self.settings['detector_stage']):
print('Number of activation functions you have specified does not match the number of convolutional layers inside the network ...')
return False
elif key == 'dense':
if set(self.settings['dense'].keys()) != {'layers', 'output_units', 'activations'}:
print('[INCORRECT SETTINGS]: Dense layers ...')
return False
if 'softmax' != self.settings['dense']['activations'][len(self.settings['dense']['activations'])-1]:
print('Your network must contain Softmax activation function at the last Dense layer in order to produce class probabilities ...')
return False
print('Network settings have been correctly specified ...')
return True
А вот параметры, которые я предоставил в качестве аргумента конструктору класса:
settings = {
'layers': 3,
'filters': [32, 64, 128],
'kernel_size':[(3,3), (5,5), (5,5)],
'strides': [1, 1, 1],
'padding': 'same',
'apply': [True, True, True],
'pool_size': [(2,2), (3,3), (3,3)],
'strides': [1, 1, 1],
'padding': 'same'
'detector_stage': ['relu', 'relu', 'relu'],
'layers': 2,
'output_units': [500, 10],
'activations': ['relu', 'softmax'],
'batch_norm': [False, False, False, False]