Я пытаюсь исправить этот код, но при попытке сохранить или создать новый пароль я получаю сообщение об ошибке
import csv
import sys
passwords = [["yahoo","XqffoZeo"],["google","CoIushujSetu"]]
passwordFileName = "samplePasswordFile"
def passwordEncrypt (unencryptedMessage, key):
encryptedMessage = ''
for symbol in unencryptedMessage:
if symbol.isalpha():
num = ord(symbol)
num += key
if symbol.isupper():
if num > ord('Z'):
num -= 26
elif num < ord('A'):
num += 26
elif symbol.islower():
if num > ord('z'):
num -= 26
elif num < ord('a'):
num += 26
encryptedMessage += chr(num)
encryptedMessage += symbol
return encryptedMessage
def loadPasswordFile(fileName):
with open(fileName, newline='') as csvfile:
passwordreader = csv.reader(csvfile)
passwordList = list(passwordreader)
return passwordList
def savePasswordFile(passwordList, fileName):
with open(fileName, 'w+', newline='') as csvfile:
passwordwriter = csv.writer(csvfile)
while True:
print("What would you like to do:")
print(" 1. Open password file")
print(" 2. Lookup a password")
print(" 3. Add a password")
print(" 4. Save password file")
print(" 5. Print the encrypted password list (for testing)")
print(" 6. Quit program")
print("Please enter a number (1-4)")
choice = input()
if choice == '1':
passwords = loadPasswordFile(passwordFileName)
if choice == '2':
print("Which website do you want to lookup the password for?")
for keyvalue in passwords:
passwordToLookup = input()
for i in range(len(passwords)):
if passwordToLookup in passwords[i][0]:
if passwordToLookup == website:
if choice == '3':
print("What website is this password for?")
website = input()
print("What is the password?")
unencryptedPassword = input()
encryptedPassword = passwordEncrypt(unencryptedPassword,encryptionKey)
if choice == '4':
if choice == '5':
for keyvalue in passwords:
print(', '.join(keyvalue))
if choice == '6':