Я создал функцию, которая добавляет строки в список при нажатии кнопки.Теперь проблема в том, что я не могу вывести информацию, которая была помещена в список.Я начал писать функцию «Отправить», но я не понимаю, какую модель мне нужно туда включить.Я хочу, чтобы вывод был в последнем div, так что там, где сейчас находится "model.currentPlayer".В части Msg я на самом деле не понимаю, какую переменную мне нужно использовать, так как полный список должен быть просто вставлен в div, где я хочу получить свой вывод.
import Browser
import Html exposing (Html, Attribute, button, text, h1, h2, h3, p, div, input, text)
import Html.Attributes exposing (style)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (onInput, onClick)
main =
Browser.sandbox { init = init, update = update, view = view }
type alias Player =
{ player : String
, strength : Int
--, number : Int
--, playernumber : Int
--, placeholder : String
--, counter : Int
type alias Model =
{ content : String
, teams : List Player
, currentNumber : Int
, currentPlayernumber: Int
, currentPlayer : String
, currentStrength : Int
, placeholderPlayer : String
, placeholderCounter : Int
, placeholderStrength: Int
init : Model
init =
{ content = ""
, teams = []
, currentNumber = 0
, currentPlayernumber = 0
, currentPlayer = ""
, currentStrength = 0
, placeholderPlayer = ""
, placeholderCounter = 1
, placeholderStrength = 0
type Msg
= Change String
| ChangeNumber String
| ChangePlayernumber String
| ChangePlayer String
| ChangeStrength String
| Add
--| Submit String
update : Msg -> Model -> Model
update msg model =
case msg of
Change newContent ->
{ model | content = newContent }
ChangeNumber number ->
{ model | currentNumber = Maybe.withDefault 0 (String.toInt number) }
ChangePlayernumber playernumber ->
{ model | currentPlayernumber = Maybe.withDefault 0 (String.toInt playernumber) }
ChangePlayer player ->
{ model | currentPlayer = player }
ChangeStrength strength ->
{ model | currentStrength = Maybe.withDefault 0 (String.toInt strength) }
Add ->
{ model | teams = ({player = model.currentPlayer, strength = model.currentStrength} :: model.teams), currentPlayer = "", currentStrength = 0 }
{- Submit player ->
{ model | teams = } -}
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
playername = "? Player" ++ String.fromInt (List.length model.teams + 1)
div []
[ h1 [style "font-family" "impact"] [ text "Team Creator" ]
, p [style "font-family" "sans-serif", style "font-size" "15px", style "color" "grey"] [ text "With the Team Creator you can create teams. Insert information about the name and the strength(1-5) of every player and finally how many teams you want to have created by the Team Creator" ]
, h2 [style "font-family" "impact"] [ text "Number of Teams:" ]
, input [ placeholder "Number", style "width" "300px", style "height" "30px", style "font-size" "25px", style "color" "#32db64", value (String.fromInt model.currentNumber), onInput ChangeNumber] []
, h2 [style "font-family" "impact"] [ text "Players per Team:" ]
, input [ placeholder "Playernumber", style "width" "300px", style "height" "30px", style "font-size" "25px", style "color" "#32db64", value (String.fromInt model.currentPlayernumber), onInput ChangePlayernumber] []
, h2 [style "font-family" "impact"] [ text "Name and Strength:" ]
, div[] [ input [placeholder playername, style "width" "300px", style "height" "30px", style "font-size" "25px", style "color" "#488aff", value model.currentPlayer, onInput ChangePlayer] [] ]
, input [ placeholder "?? Strength", style "width" "300px", style "height" "30px", style "font-size" "25px", style "color" "#4286F5", value (String.fromInt model.currentStrength), onInput ChangeStrength] []
, div [] [ button [ style "background-color" "#66cc81", style "color" "white", style "margin-top" "20px", style "width" "300px", style "border-radius" "25px", style "height" "40px", style "font-size" "20px", style "margin-right" "70px", onClick Add] [ text "+ADD Player" ] ]
, div [] [ button [ style "background-color" "#4286F5", style "color" "white", style "margin-top" "10px", style "width" "300px", style "border-radius" "25px", style "height" "40px", style "font-size" "20px", style "margin-right" "70px"{-, value model.teams, onClick Submit-}] [ text "SUBMIT!" ] ]
, h2 [style "font-family" "impact", style "margin-top" "20px"] [ text "Generated Teams:" ]
, div [] (List.map (\{ player } -> div [] [ text player ]) model.teams)