Пожалуйста, попробуйте следующий код.
if($(this).parent().find('.control-checkbox input:checked').val() == "red"){
next_fs = $(this).parent().next().next();
next_fs = $(this).parent().next();
Добавьте вышеуказанный код в функцию следующего клика.
if(animating) return false;
animating = true;
current_fs = $(this).parent();
//console.log($(this).parent().find('.control-checkbox input:checked').val());
if($(this).parent().find('.control-checkbox input:checked').val() == "red"){
next_fs = $(this).parent().next().next();
next_fs = $(this).parent().next();
// activate next step on progressbar using the index of next_fs
$("#progressbar li").eq($("fieldset").index(next_fs)).addClass("active");
// show the next fieldset
// hide the current fieldset with style
current_fs.animate({opacity: 0}, {
step: function(now, mx) {
// as the opacity of current_fs reduces to 0 - stored in "now"
// 1. scale current_fs down to 80%
scale = 1 - (1 - now) * 0.2;
// 2. bring next_fs from the right(50%)
left = (now * 50)+"%";
// 3. increase opacity of next_fs to 1 as it moves in
opacity = 1 - now;
'transform': 'scale('+scale+')',
'position': 'absolute'
next_fs.css({'left': left, 'opacity': opacity});
duration: 800,
complete: function(){
animating = false;
// this comes from the custom easing plugin
easing: 'easeInOutBack'
предыдущий клик.обновите приведенный ниже код.
if($(this).parent().prev().prev().find('.control-checkbox input:checked').val() == "red"){
previous_fs = $(this).parent().prev().prev();
previous_fs = $(this).parent().prev();
Добавьте указанный выше код в функцию предыдущего нажатия.
if(animating) return false;
animating = true;
current_fs = $(this).parent();
//console.log($(this).parent().prev().prev().find('.control-checkbox input:checked').val());
if($(this).parent().prev().prev().find('.control-checkbox input:checked').val() == "red"){
previous_fs = $(this).parent().prev().prev();
previous_fs = $(this).parent().prev();
// de-activate current step on progressbar
$("#progressbar li").eq($("fieldset").index(current_fs)).removeClass("active");
// show the previous fieldset
// hide the current fieldset with style
current_fs.animate({opacity: 0}, {
step: function(now, mx) {
// as the opacity of current_fs reduces to 0 - stored in "now"
// 1. scale previous_fs from 80% to 100%
scale = 0.8 + (1 - now) * 0.2;
// 2. take current_fs to the right(50%) - from 0%
left = ((1-now) * 50)+"%";
// 3. increase opacity of previous_fs to 1 as it moves in
opacity = 1 - now;
current_fs.css({'left': left});
previous_fs.css({'transform': 'scale('+scale+')', 'opacity': opacity});
duration: 800,
complete: function(){
animating = false;
// this comes from the custom easing plugin
easing: 'easeInOutBack'