У меня есть ряд тестов пользовательского интерфейса, написанных на javascript (с использованием селена и огурца).В настоящее время я запускаю тесты следующим образом:
yarn run loginTest
Есть ли команда для отладки теста?
Обновление: ниже приведен снимок моего package.json, которыйвключает ссылку на скрипт loginTest:
"scripts": {
"loginTest": "node ./scripts/loginTest.js"
Файл loginTest.js показан ниже:
const chalk = require('chalk');
const path = require('path');
const fs = require('fs-extra');
const cp = require('child_process');
const srcPath = './projects/';
const projects = fs.readdirSync(srcPath)
.filter(file => fs.lstatSync(path.join(srcPath, file)).isDirectory())
.filter(file => file !== 'commons');
process.env.HOST = process.argv.slice(2)[0] || 'localhost';
console.log(chalk.magenta('Carrying out integration tests against: ') + process.env.HOST);
projects.forEach((project) => {
if (fs.existsSync(`./projects/${project}/login-tests/features/`)) {
console.log(chalk.yellow('Starting integration tests for: ') + project);
cp.fork(__dirname + '/runtime/pickle.js',
'-f', `./projects/${project}/login-tests/features/`,
'-s', `./projects/${project}/login-tests/step-definitions/`,
'-p', `./projects/${project}/login-tests/page-objects/`,
'-r', `./build/reports/${project}`
Файл pickle.js, на который ссылались выше, показан здесь:
#!/usr/bin / env node
'use strict';
const fs = require('fs-plus');
const path = require('path');
const program = require('commander');
const cucumber = require('cucumber');
function collectPaths(value, paths) {
return paths;
function coerceInt(value, defaultValue) {
const int = parseInt(value);
if (typeof int === 'number') return int;
return defaultValue;
let config = {
steps: './step-definitions',
pageObjects: './page-objects',
sharedObjects: './shared-objects',
reports: './reports',
browser: 'chrome',
timeout: 15000
const configFileName = path.resolve(process.cwd(), 'selenium-cucumber-js.json');
if (fs.isFileSync(configFileName)) {
config = Object.assign(config, require(configFileName));
.option('-s, --steps <path>', 'path to step definitions. defaults to ' + config.steps, config.steps)
.option('-p, --pageObjects <path>', 'path to page objects. defaults to ' + config.pageObjects, config.pageObjects)
.option('-o, --sharedObjects [paths]', 'path to shared objects (repeatable). defaults to ' + config.sharedObjects, collectPaths, [config.sharedObjects])
.option('-b, --browser <path>', 'name of browser to use. defaults to ' + config.browser, config.browser)
.option('-r, --reports <path>', 'output path to save reports. defaults to ' + config.reports, config.reports)
.option('-d, --disableLaunchReport [optional]', 'Disables the auto opening the browser with test report')
.option('-j, --junit <path>', 'output path to save junit-report.xml defaults to ' + config.reports)
.option('-t, --tags <tagName>', 'name of tag to run', collectPaths, [])
.option('-f, --featureFiles <paths>', 'comma-separated list of feature files to run')
.option('-x, --timeOut <n>', 'steps definition timeout in milliseconds. defaults to ' + config.timeout, coerceInt, config.timeout)
.option('-n, --noScreenshot [optional]', 'disable auto capturing of screenshots when an error is encountered')
program.on('--help', function () {
console.log(' For more details please visit https://github.com/john-doherty/selenium-cucumber-js#readme\n');
// store browserName globally (used within world.js to build driver)
global.browserName = program.browser;
// store Eyes Api globally (used within world.js to set Eyes)
global.eyesKey = config.eye_key;
// used within world.js to import page objects
global.pageObjectPath = path.resolve(program.pageObjects);
// used within world.js to output reports
global.reportsPath = path.resolve(program.reports);
if (!fs.existsSync(program.reports)) {
// used within world.js to decide if reports should be generated
global.disableLaunchReport = (program.disableLaunchReport);
// used with world.js to determine if a screenshot should be captured on error
global.noScreenshot = (program.noScreenshot);
// used within world.js to output junit reports
global.junitPath = path.resolve(program.junit || program.reports);
// set the default timeout to 10 seconds if not already globally defined or passed via the command line
global.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = global.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT || program.timeOut || 10 * 1000;
// used within world.js to import shared objects into the shared namespace
global.sharedObjectPaths = program.sharedObjects.map(function (item) {
return path.resolve(item);
// rewrite command line switches for cucumber
process.argv.splice(2, 100);
// allow specific feature files to be executed
if (program.featureFiles) {
var splitFeatureFiles = program.featureFiles.split(',');
splitFeatureFiles.forEach(function (feature) {
// add switch to tell cucumber to produce json report files
process.argv.push('json:' + path.resolve(__dirname, global.reportsPath, 'cucumber-report.json'));
// add cucumber world as first required script (this sets up the globals)
process.argv.push(path.resolve(__dirname, 'world.js'));
// add path to import step definitions
// add tag
if (program.tags) {
program.tags.forEach(function (tag) {
// add strict option (fail if there are any undefined or pending steps)
// execute cucumber
var cucumberCli = cucumber.Cli(process.argv);
global.cucumber = cucumber;
cucumberCli.run(function (succeeded) {
var code = succeeded ? 0 : 1;
function exitNow() {
if (process.stdout.write('')) {
} else {
// write() returned false, kernel buffer is not empty yet...
process.stdout.on('drain', exitNow);