Поскольку ваш сценарий предполагает, что у вас может быть несколько пользователей, вводящих данные, по моему мнению, подход VBA - это путь, по которому вы должны идти.
Скопируйте и вставьте этот код в свой модуль листа и настройте<<< Настройте этот раздел >>>
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
' Define object variables
Dim statusRange As Range
Dim changedCell As Range
' Define variables
Dim currentUserName As String
Dim userNameColumn As String
Dim statusColumnNumber As Integer
Dim statusValuesList As Variant
' <<< Customize this >>>
Set statusRange = Range("X10:X100") ' Limit the cells that will record the status
statusValuesList = Array("Done", "Skip") ' Add more status values separated by commas and inside quotes (this is not case-sensitive)
userNameColumn = "Z" ' Column letter where the UserName is going to be stamped
' Prevent from firing other events while making changes to cells
Application.EnableEvents = False
' Validate if cell changed belongs to valid column and rows and if it has a valid status
If Not Intersect(Target, statusRange) Is Nothing Then
For Each changedCell In Target
If Not IsError(Application.Match(changedCell.Value, statusValuesList, 0)) Then
' Get current username
currentUserName = Environ("Username")
' Empty username string
currentUserName = vbNullString
End If
' Assign username to cell in previously defined column and same row
Range(userNameColumn & changedCell.Row).Value = currentUserName
Next changedCell
End If
' Reenable firing events
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub