Мне нужно получить значение ключа в JSON из ANSIBLE Play.Вот в чем проблема - Не уверен, что ключ будет в определенном уровне Json.Это может варьироваться от JSON до JSON.Итак, мне нужно «поискать» ключи в json вслепую и получить значения для них [Не знаю, сколько ключей доступно и насколько глубоко они доступны].Здесь я даю пример json и играю, чтобы достичь того же.
JSON Data:
"status": "SUCCESS",
"errors": [
"jobname": "DbcAllJob_td_part_20190211150403_1",
"errorList": [
"id": "1",
"migrationId": "b9e19f6b-bc2e-4e2b-8fe9-20efb74d8289",
"jobId": "27",
"backupPhase": "DATA",
"restorePhase": "NULL",
"errorType": "ABORT",
"atTimeStamp": "2019/02/11 15:27:46",
"errorStatus": "UNRESOLVED",
"errorcode": "1148",
"errortext": "1148: DSA DSMAIN-BARNC Communication Exception: 1001:(**********K) recv() call has EOF",
"report": {
"root": {
"system": "TARGET",
"host": "**********",
"state_text": "2019/02/11 07:26:52.181 [ 27:29152:29152] ERROR Executor - Exception received by master thread: recv() call has EOF",
"entityId": "**********_clienthandler",
"logTime": "2019/02/11 07:26:52.181",
"peers": [
"phase": "",
"rootError": "BarNC - User shutdown request from command line received, stopping BARNC",
"software": "clienthandler"
"sequence": [
"host": "sdt09586",
"state_text": "Feb 11 07:25:20 sdt09586 DSA[27578]: CRITICAL: DSA: 4751002 #CRITICAL: DataStreamController: 4751002 #DSC version[], Commons version[], DSC cannot connect to activeMQ Broker.",
"entityId": "sdt09586_messages",
"logTime": "2019/02/11 7:25:20.000",
"peers": [],
"phase": "",
"software": "messages"
"system": "SOURCE",
"host": "**********",
"state_text": "Feb 11 07:26:52 ********** Teradata[19593]: INFO: Teradata: 6670 # DSMAIN 1148: DSA DSMAIN-BARNC Communication Exception: 1001:(**********K) recv() call has EOF",
"entityId": "**********_messages",
"logTime": "2019/02/11 7:26:52.000",
"peers": [],
"phase": "",
"software": "messages"
"system": "SOURCE",
"host": "**********",
"state_text": "Feb 11 07:26:52 ********** Teradata[6369]: INFO: Teradata: 3265 #Transaction has been Aborted by Administrator or Operations Staff.",
"entityId": "**********_messages",
"logTime": "2019/02/11 7:26:52.000",
"peers": [],
"phase": "",
"software": "messages"
"system": "SOURCE",
"host": "**********",
"state_text": "2019/02/11 07:26:52.900 (134226672): Exception rethrown caught in DSMBackupTask::BeginWriteTask.",
"entityId": "27_**********_barlog_26623_34_3_3",
"logTime": "2019/02/11 07:26:52.900",
"peers": [
"AMP =1"
"phase": "",
"software": "barlog_26623_34_3_3"
"system": "SOURCE",
"host": "**********",
"state_text": "2019/02/11 07:26:52.900 (134226672): SendInternalAbort assumeMsgFromStpAab = 1",
"entityId": "27_**********_barlog_26623_34_3_3",
"logTime": "2019/02/11 07:26:52.900",
"peers": [
"AMP =1"
"phase": "",
"software": "barlog_26623_34_3_3"
"system": "SOURCE",
"host": "**********",
"state_text": "2019/02/11 07:26:52.900 (134226672): SendInternalAbort, partition = 34, jobId = 27",
"entityId": "27_**********_barlog_26623_34_3_3",
"logTime": "2019/02/11 07:26:52.900",
"peers": [
"AMP =1"
"phase": "",
"software": "barlog_26623_34_3_3"
"system": "SOURCE",
"host": "**********",
"state_text": "2019/02/11 07:26:52.900 (134226672): errorCode = 1148, errorTextLength = 84, errorText = 1148: DSA DSMAIN-BARNC Communication Exception: 1001:(**********K) recv() call has EOF",
"entityId": "27_**********_barlog_26623_34_3_3",
"logTime": "2019/02/11 07:26:52.900",
"peers": [
"AMP =1"
"phase": "",
"software": "barlog_26623_34_3_3"
"system": "SOURCE",
"host": "**********",
"state_text": "2019/02/11 07:26:52.910 (134254672): AbortTask has a message...",
"entityId": "27_**********_barlog_26623_34",
"logTime": "2019/02/11 07:26:52.910",
"peers": [],
"phase": "DATA/BUILD",
"software": "barlog_26623_34"
"remedy": [
"seqNum": 1,
"remedy": "Configure all machines to have same bynet configuration",
"remedyOpcode": "RECONFIGURE_BYNET",
"remedyInfo": [
"systemName": "**********",
"ipAddress": "**********",
"username": "**********",
"password": "**********",
"osUser": "root"
"systemName": "**********",
"ipAddress": "**********",
"username": "**********",
"password": "**********",
"osUser": "root"
"seqNum": 2,
"remedy": "Bring ClientHandler up on **********",
"remedyOpcode": "RESTART_SERVICE",
"remedyInfo": {
"systemName": "**********",
"ipAddress": "**********",
"username": "**********",
"password": "**********",
"osUser": "root"
"seqNum": 3,
"remedy": "Re-submit the job",
"remedyOpcode": "RESUBMIT",
"remedyInfo": null
"detailedreport": [
"component": "TPANode : **********",
"description": "TPANODE status : Up and Running",
"additionalProperties": {}
"component": "TPANode : **********",
"description": "TPANODE status : Up and Running",
"additionalProperties": {}
"component": "Bynet : [**********, **********]",
"description": "Bynet configuration mismatch",
"additionalProperties": {}
"component": "ClientHandler : **********",
"description": "ClientHandler status : not running",
"additionalProperties": {}
"component": "ActiveMQ : **********",
"description": "ActiveMQ status : running",
"additionalProperties": {}
"component": "ActiveMQ Queue: **********",
"description": "ActiveMQ message count : 13",
"additionalProperties": {}
"component": "DSC : **********",
"description": "DSC status : running, DSARest status : running",
"additionalProperties": {}
"component": "DSC Processes: **********",
"description": "Number of DSC processes running : 1",
"additionalProperties": {}
"component": "DSMAIN : **********",
"description": "DSMain status : Up and Running, Left over Processes : No left over processes",
"additionalProperties": {}
"component": "DSMAIN : **********",
"description": "DSMain status : Up and Running, Left over Processes : No left over processes",
"additionalProperties": {}
"component": "DatabaseConnection : **********",
"description": "Database status : UP",
"additionalProperties": {}
"component": "DatabaseConnection : **********",
"description": "Database status : UP",
"additionalProperties": {}
"component": "DatabaseConnection : **********",
"description": "Database status : UP",
"additionalProperties": {}
"id": "2",
"migrationId": "b9e19f6b-bc2e-4e2b-8fe9-20efb74d8289",
"jobId": "27",
"backupPhase": null,
"restorePhase": null,
"errorType": "ABORT",
"atTimeStamp": "",
"errorStatus": null,
"errorcode": "1160",
"errortext": "An error occurred restoring statistics.",
"report": {
"root": null,
"sequence": null
"remedy": [
"seqNum": -1,
"remedy": null,
"remedyOpcode": null,
"remedyInfo": null
"detailedreport": [
"component": null,
"description": null,
"additionalProperties": {}
Сверху json Мне нужно прочитать значения «лекарств».Но не уверен, на каком уровне они доступны всегда.
Вот ответный скрипт для того же самого.
- hosts: localhost
- name: loop
migration_detail_status: "{{ lookup('file', 'inj_error.json') }}"
until: "'{{ migration_detail_status.errors.0.errorList.0.remedy.1.remedy | search('Bring ClientHandler up on') }}' and '{{ migration_detail_status.errors.0.errorList.0.remedy.1.remedyOpcode | search('RESTART_SERVICE') }}'"
retries: 2
delay: 5
ignore_errors: yes
- debug:
var: migration_detail_status.errors.0.errorList.0.remedy.1.remedyOpcode
В состоянии until
Я прошел через json, так как знаюФормат JSON.но это не может быть одинаковым для всех случаев.Поэтому, пожалуйста, помогите пройтись, чтобы получить поиск key:value
от json независимо от их уровня.