Получение изображения и характеристик с помощью емкостного считывателя отпечатков пальцев в Raspberry pi - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 18 декабря 2018

Существует ли библиотека python для емкостного считывателя отпечатков пальцев wavehare, чтобы получить изображение отпечатка пальца или его характеристики?Библиотека Python продукта выглядит следующим образом и не написана для этих функций.

#!/usr/bin/env python3.5
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

import serial
import time
import threading
import sys
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO

TRUE         =  1
FALSE        =  0

# Basic response message definition
ACK_SUCCESS           = 0x00
ACK_FAIL              = 0x01
ACK_FULL              = 0x04
ACK_NO_USER           = 0x05
ACK_TIMEOUT           = 0x08
ACK_GO_OUT            = 0x0F     # The center of the fingerprint is out of 
alignment with sensor

# User information definition
ACK_ALL_USER          = 0x00
ACK_GUEST_USER        = 0x01
ACK_NORMAL_USER       = 0x02
ACK_MASTER_USER       = 0x03

USER_MAX_CNT          = 1000        # Maximum fingerprint number

# Command definition
CMD_HEAD              = 0xF5
CMD_TAIL              = 0xF5
CMD_ADD_1             = 0x01
CMD_ADD_2             = 0x02
CMD_ADD_3             = 0x03
CMD_MATCH             = 0x0C
CMD_DEL               = 0x04
CMD_DEL_ALL           = 0x05
CMD_USER_CNT          = 0x09
CMD_COM_LEV           = 0x28
CMD_LP_MODE           = 0x2C
CMD_TIMEOUT           = 0x2E


Finger_WAKE_Pin   = 23
Finger_RST_Pin    = 24

GPIO.setup(Finger_WAKE_Pin, GPIO.IN)
GPIO.setup(Finger_RST_Pin, GPIO.OUT)
GPIO.setup(Finger_RST_Pin, GPIO.OUT, initial=GPIO.HIGH)

g_rx_buf            = []
PC_Command_RxBuf    = []
Finger_SleepFlag    = 0

rLock = threading.RLock()
ser = serial.Serial("/dev/ttyS0", 19200)

# @brief    send a command, and wait for the response of module
def  TxAndRxCmd(command_buf, rx_bytes_need, timeout):
    global g_rx_buf
    CheckSum = 0
    tx_buf = []

    for byte in command_buf:
        CheckSum ^= byte



    g_rx_buf = []
    time_before = time.time()
    time_after = time.time()
    while time_after - time_before < timeout and len(g_rx_buf) < 
    rx_bytes_need:  # Waiting for response
        bytes_can_recv = ser.inWaiting()
        if bytes_can_recv != 0:
            g_rx_buf += ser.read(bytes_can_recv)
        time_after = time.time()

    if len(g_rx_buf) != rx_bytes_need:
        return ACK_TIMEOUT
    if g_rx_buf[0] != CMD_HEAD:
        return ACK_FAIL
    if g_rx_buf[rx_bytes_need - 1] != CMD_TAIL:
        return ACK_FAIL
    if g_rx_buf[1] != tx_buf[1]:
        return ACK_FAIL

    CheckSum = 0
    for index, byte in enumerate(g_rx_buf):
        if index == 0:
        if index == 6:
            if CheckSum != byte:
                return ACK_FAIL
        CheckSum ^= byte

    return  ACK_SUCCESS;

# @brief    Get Compare Level
def  GetCompareLevel():
    global g_rx_buf
    command_buf = [CMD_COM_LEV, 0, 0, 1, 0]
    r = TxAndRxCmd(command_buf, 8, 0.1)
    if r == ACK_TIMEOUT:
        return ACK_TIMEOUT
    if r == ACK_SUCCESS and g_rx_buf[4] == ACK_SUCCESS:
        return g_rx_buf[3]
        return 0xFF

# @brief    Set Compare Level,the default value is 5,
#           can be set to 0-9, the bigger, the stricter
def SetCompareLevel(level):
    global g_rx_buf
    command_buf = [CMD_COM_LEV, 0, level, 0, 0]
    r = TxAndRxCmd(command_buf, 8, 0.1)

    if r == ACK_TIMEOUT:
        return ACK_TIMEOUT
    if r == ACK_SUCCESS and g_rx_buf[4] == ACK_SUCCESS:
        return  g_rx_buf[3]
        return 0xFF

# @brief   Query the number of existing fingerprints
def GetUserCount():
    global g_rx_buf
    command_buf = [CMD_USER_CNT, 0, 0, 0, 0]
    r = TxAndRxCmd(command_buf, 8, 0.1)
    if r == ACK_TIMEOUT:
        return ACK_TIMEOUT
    if r == ACK_SUCCESS and g_rx_buf[4] == ACK_SUCCESS:
        return g_rx_buf[3]
        return 0xFF

# @brief   Get the time that fingerprint collection wait timeout
def GetTimeOut():
    global g_rx_buf
    command_buf = [CMD_TIMEOUT, 0, 0, 1, 0]
    r = TxAndRxCmd(command_buf, 8, 0.1)
    if r == ACK_TIMEOUT:
        return ACK_TIMEOUT
    if r == ACK_SUCCESS and g_rx_buf[4] == ACK_SUCCESS:
        return g_rx_buf[3]
        return 0xFF

# @brief    Register fingerprint
def AddUser():
    global g_rx_buf
    r = GetUserCount()
    if r >= USER_MAX_CNT:
        return ACK_FULL

    command_buf = [CMD_ADD_1, 0, r+1, 3, 0]
    r = TxAndRxCmd(command_buf, 8, 6)
    if r == ACK_TIMEOUT:
        return ACK_TIMEOUT
    if r == ACK_SUCCESS and g_rx_buf[4] == ACK_SUCCESS:
        command_buf[0] = CMD_ADD_3
        r = TxAndRxCmd(command_buf, 8, 2)
        if r == ACK_TIMEOUT:
            return ACK_TIMEOUT
        if r == ACK_SUCCESS and g_rx_buf[4] == ACK_SUCCESS:
            return ACK_SUCCESS
            return ACK_FAIL
        return ACK_FAIL

# @brief    Clear fingerprints
def ClearAllUser():
    global g_rx_buf
    command_buf = [CMD_DEL_ALL, 0, 0, 0, 0]
    r = TxAndRxCmd(command_buf, 8, 5)
    if r == ACK_TIMEOUT:
        return ACK_TIMEOUT
    if r == ACK_SUCCESS and g_rx_buf[4] == ACK_SUCCESS:
        return ACK_SUCCESS
        return ACK_FAIL

# @brief    Check if user ID is between 1 and 3
def IsMasterUser(user_id):
    if user_id == 1 or user_id == 2 or user_id == 3:
        return TRUE
        return FALSE

# @brief    Fingerprint matching
def VerifyUser():
    global g_rx_buf
    command_buf = [CMD_MATCH, 0, 0, 0, 0]
    r = TxAndRxCmd(command_buf, 8, 5);
    if r == ACK_TIMEOUT:
        return ACK_TIMEOUT
    if r == ACK_SUCCESS and IsMasterUser(g_rx_buf[4]) == TRUE:
        return ACK_SUCCESS
    elif g_rx_buf[4] == ACK_NO_USER:
        return ACK_NO_USER
    elif g_rx_buf[4] == ACK_TIMEOUT:
        return ACK_TIMEOUT
        return ACK_GO_OUT   # The center of the fingerprint is out of alignment with sensor

# @brief    Analysis the command from PC terminal
def Analysis_PC_Command():
    global Finger_SleepFlag

    if  PC_Command_RxBuf[0] == "CMD1" and Finger_SleepFlag != 1:
        print ("Number of fingerprints already available:  %d"  % GetUserCount())
    elif PC_Command_RxBuf[0] == "CMD2" and Finger_SleepFlag != 1:
        print ("Add fingerprint  (Each entry needs to be read two times: \"beep\",put the finger on sensor, \"beep\", put up ,\"beep\", put on again) ")
        r = AddUser()
        if r == ACK_SUCCESS:
            print ("Fingerprint added successfully !")
        elif r == ACK_FAIL:
            print ("Failed: Please try to place the center of the fingerprint flat to sensor, or this fingerprint already exists !")
        elif r == ACK_FULL:
            print ("Failed: The fingerprint library is full !")
    elif PC_Command_RxBuf[0] == "CMD3" and Finger_SleepFlag != 1:
        print ("Waiting Finger......Please try to place the center of the fingerprint flat to sensor !")
        r = VerifyUser()
        if r == ACK_SUCCESS:
            print ("Matching successful !")
        elif r == ACK_NO_USER:
            print ("Failed: This fingerprint was not found in the library !")
        elif r == ACK_TIMEOUT:
            print ("Failed: Time out !")
        elif r == ACK_GO_OUT:
            print ("Failed: Please try to place the center of the fingerprint flat to sensor !")
    elif PC_Command_RxBuf[0] == "CMD4" and Finger_SleepFlag != 1:
        print ("All fingerprints have been cleared !")
    elif PC_Command_RxBuf[0] == "CMD5" and Finger_SleepFlag != 1:
        GPIO.output(Finger_RST_Pin, GPIO.LOW)
        Finger_SleepFlag = 1
        print ("Module has entered sleep mode: you can use the finger Automatic wake-up function, in this mode, only CMD6 is valid, send CMD6 to pull up the RST pin of module, so that the module exits sleep !")
    elif PC_Command_RxBuf[0] == "CMD6":
        if rLock.acquire(blocking=True, timeout=0.6) == True:
            Finger_SleepFlag = 0
            GPIO.output(Finger_RST_Pin, GPIO.HIGH)
            time.sleep(0.25)    # Wait for module to start
            print ("The module is awake. All commands are valid !")

# @brief   If you enter the sleep mode, then open the Automatic wake-up function of the finger,
#         begin to check if the finger is pressed, and then start the module and match
def Auto_Verify_Finger():
    while True:
        if rLock.acquire() == True:
            # If you enter the sleep mode, then open the Automatic wake-up function of the finger,
            # begin to check if the finger is pressed, and then start the module and match
            if Finger_SleepFlag == 1:
                if GPIO.input(Finger_WAKE_Pin) == 1:   # If you press your finger
                    if GPIO.input(Finger_WAKE_Pin) == 1:
                        GPIO.output(Finger_RST_Pin, GPIO.HIGH)   # Pull up the RST to start the module and start matching the fingers
                        time.sleep(0.25)           # Wait for module to start
                        print ("Waiting Finger......Please try to place the center of the fingerprint flat to sensor !")
                        r = VerifyUser()
                        if r == ACK_SUCCESS:
                            print ("Matching successful !")
                        elif r == ACK_NO_USER:
                            print ("Failed: This fingerprint was not found in the library !")
                        elif r == ACK_TIMEOUT:
                            print ("Failed: Time out !")
                        elif r == ACK_GO_OUT:
                            print ("Failed: Please try to place the center of the fingerprint flat to sensor !")

                    #After the matching action is completed, drag RST down to sleep
                    #and continue to wait for your fingers to press
                    GPIO.output(Finger_RST_Pin, GPIO.LOW)


Это файл приложения.

#!/usr/bin/env python3.5
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

from Capacitive_Fingerprint_Reader import *

def main():

    GPIO.output(Finger_RST_Pin, GPIO.LOW)
    GPIO.output(Finger_RST_Pin, GPIO.HIGH)
    time.sleep(0.25)    # Wait for module to start
    while SetCompareLevel(5) != 5:
        print ("***ERROR***: Please ensure that the module power supply is 3.3V or 5V, the serial line connection is correct, the baud rate defaults to 19200, and finally the power is switched off, and then power on again")
    print ("***************************** WaveShare Capacitive Fingerprint Reader Test *****************************")
    print ("Compare Level:  5    (can be set to 0-9, the bigger, the stricter)")
    print ("Number of fingerprints already available:  %d "  % GetUserCount())
    print (" send commands to operate the module: ")
    print ("  CMD1 : Query the number of existing fingerprints")
    print ("  CMD2 : Registered fingerprint  (Each entry needs to be read two times: \"beep\",put the finger on sensor, \"beep\", put up ,\"beep\", put on again) ")
    print ("  CMD3 : Fingerprint matching  (Send the command, put your finger on sensor after \"beep\".Each time you send a command, module waits and matches once) ")
    print ("  CMD4 : Clear fingerprints ")
    print ("  CMD5 : Switch to sleep mode, you can use the finger Automatic wake-up function (In this state, only CMD6 is valid. When a finger is placed on the sensor,the module is awakened and the finger is matched, without sending commands to match each time. The CMD6 can be used to wake up) ")
    print ("  CMD6 : Wake up and make all commands valid ")
    print ("***************************** WaveShare Capacitive Fingerprint Reader Test ***************************** ")

    thread_Auto_Verify_Finger = threading.Thread(target=Auto_Verify_Finger,args=())

    while  True:
        print ("Please input command (CMD1-CMD6):")
        del PC_Command_RxBuf[:]    # Clear PC_Command_RxBuf and prepare for the next time

if __name__ == '__main__':
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            if ser != None:
            print("\n\n Test finished ! \n")

Существует ли полностью написанная библиотека python для wavehare емкостного считывателя отпечатков пальцев?


Как мне разработать описанные выше функции (чтобы получить изображение или характеристики отпечатка пальца), используя руководство по разработке?

Руководство по разработке емкостного считывателя отпечатков пальцев Waveshare

на этом сайте Емкостный сканер отпечатков пальцев Wiki [https://www.waveshare.com/wiki/Capacitive_Fingerprint_Reader.]

Команды получения и отправки характеристик изображения определены в руководстве по разработке.

введите описание изображения здесь введите описание изображения здесь

Библиотека Python продукта написана только для 8-байтовой команды и ответа.Согласно руководству для получения изображения и характеристик загрузки модуль отвечает> 8 байтов (заголовок + пакет), как показано на рисунках выше.Можете ли вы дать мне совет по разработке кода для получения изображения в заголовке ответа и пакете данных, пожалуйста?

Очень признателен за любой совет.Спасибо

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