Я делаю форму для задачи в классе, и никто не может понять, почему проверка ввода не работает.Код для всей формы ниже.Это именно обязательный тег, который, кажется, вызывает проблемы.
<form action = "">
<p>First Name</p>
<input type = "text" name = "firstname" size = "25" maxlength = "20"></input> <br>
<p>Last Name</p>
<input type = "text" name = "lastname" size = "25" maxlength = "20"></input> <br>
<input type = "radio" name = "age" value = "<25" checked></input><25
<input type = "radio" name = "age" value = "25-40" ></input>25-40
<input type = "radio" name = "age" value = ">40" ></input>>40
<input type = "radio" name = "age" value = "Rather not say" ></input>Rather not say <br>
<div style = "float:left">
<p>Favourite food</p>
<select name = "Favourite food" style = "float:left;">
<option value = "1" selected>Italian</option>
<option value = "2">Indian</option>
<option value = "3">Thai</option>
<option value = "4">Chinese</option>
<div style = "float:right">
<p>What new country would you like to see on the website?</p>
<select name = "newCountry">
<option value = "1" selected>Vietnamese</option>
<option value = "2">American</option>
<option value = "3">French</option>
<option value = "4">Spanish</option>
<p style = "clear:both; float:left;">What new cooking technique would you like to see on the website?</p>
<textarea name = "NewTechnique" rows = "5" cols = "100" maxlength = "500" style = "clear:both;"> </textarea>
<p>Please rate the following from 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent)</p>
<p>Ease of use</p>
<input type = "text" name = "easeofuse" size = "25" min = "1" max = "5" required=""></input> <br>
<p>Quality of information</p>
<input type = "text" name = "infoquality" size = "25" min = "1" max = "5" required></input> <br>
<p>Taste of recipies</p>
<input type = "text" name = "tastes" size = "25" min = "1" max = "5" required = ""></input> <br>
<p>Permission for my information to be held and used for future developments</p>
<input type ="radio" name = "permission" value = "1" required></input>Yes
<input type ="radio" name = "permission" value = "2"></input>No
<input type = "submit" onclick="alert('form entered')" value = "submit"></input>
Я не вижу, в чем проблема.Это потому, что тег действия пуст?Нам сказали оставить это так.
Редактировать: проблема была решена!