Я новичок здесь и надеюсь, что найду некоторую помощь.
Я работаю со следующим кодом для вычисления NDVI из Sentinel 2-A
import glob
import numpy as np
from osgeo import gdal
in_dir = 'C:\\temp\\'
# Search directory for desired bands
red_file = glob.glob(in_dir + '**B04.jp2') # red band
nir_file = glob.glob(in_dir + '**B08.jp2') # nir band
# Define a function to calculate NDVI using band arrays for red, NIR bands
def ndvi(red, nir):
return ((nir - red)/(nir + red))
#return (NIR.astype(float) - RED.astype(float)) / (NIR+RED)
# Open each band using gdal
red_link = gdal.Open(red_file[0])
nir_link = gdal.Open(nir_file[0])
# read in each band as array and convert to float for calculations
red = red_link.ReadAsArray().astype(np.float)
nir = nir_link.ReadAsArray().astype(np.float)
# Call the ndvi() function on red, NIR bands
ndvi2 = ndvi(red, nir)
# Create output filename based on input name
outfile_name = red_file[0].split('_B')[0] + '_NDVI.tif'
x_pixels = ndvi2.shape[0] # number of pixels in x
y_pixels = ndvi2.shape[1] # number of pixels in y
# Set up output GeoTIFF
driver = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff')
# Create driver using output filename, x and y pixels, # of bands, and datatype
ndvi_data = driver.Create(outfile_name,x_pixels, y_pixels, 1,gdal.GDT_Float32)
# Set NDVI array as the 1 output raster band
# Setting up the coordinate reference system of the output GeoTIFF
geotrans=red_link.GetGeoTransform() # Grab input GeoTranform information
proj=red_link.GetProjection() # Grab projection information from input file
# now set GeoTransform parameters and projection on the output file
Я получаю следующую IndexError:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\temp\NDVI3.py", line 31, in <module>
red_link = gdal.Open(red_file[0])
IndexError: list index out of range
Кто-нибудь знает, как исправить эту ошибку?Может быть, моя версия GDAL не распознает формат jp2?