вы можете использовать версию синхронизации dialog.showSaveDialog
.с синхронизированной версией вам не нужно объявлять переменную пути без инициализации
let path = dialog.showSaveDialog( {
title: "Save file",
filters: [ { name:"png pictures", ext: [ "png" ] } ], // what kind of files do you want to see when this box is opend
defaultPath: app.getPath("document") // the default path to save file
if ( ! path ) {
// path is undefined
fs.writeFile( path , text , ( err , buf ) => {
if ( err )
return alert("saved");
return alert("not saved");
или асинхронной версии
dialog.showSaveDialog( {
title: "Save file",
filters: [ { name:"png pictures", ext: [ "png" ] } ], // what kind of files do you want to see when this box is opend, ( users will be able to save this kind of files )
defaultPath: app.getPath("document") // the default path to save file
}, ( filePath ) => {
if ( ! filePath ) {
// nothing was pressed
path = filePath;
fs.writeFile( path , text , ( err , buf ) => {
if ( err )
return alert("saved");
return alert("not saved");