У меня есть формат даты String
(например, дд / мм / гггг), и я хочу преобразовать его в американский стиль с первым месяцем (например, ММ / дд / гггг), программно.
Вариант использования этого состоит в том, чтобы прочитать некоторые данные и определить, какой формат подходит лучше всего.
Это звучит тривиально легко, но на самом деле попытка реализовать его, мое решение кажется неоптимальным.
Нижемоя попытка, включая тест.
public class DateSwapperExample
private static final char dateFormatDayLetter = 'd', dateFormatMonthLetter = 'M';
* Swaps the Day & Month component in a Date Format, if both are present <br>
* When swapping, ensures the frequency is retained - e.g. dd/MMM -> MMM/dd <br>
* TODO Only handles one instance of each tag <br>
* TODO This doesn't handle quoted elements in the Date Format (e.g. "dd/mm 'since dave made the best cakes' yyyy")
private static String swapDayAndMonthInDateFormat(final String dateFormat)
// Get the position of the groups
final int[] dayIndex = new int[] {dateFormat.indexOf(dateFormatDayLetter), dateFormat.lastIndexOf(dateFormatDayLetter)};
final int[] monthIndex = new int[] {dateFormat.indexOf(dateFormatMonthLetter), dateFormat.lastIndexOf(dateFormatMonthLetter)};
if ((dayIndex[0] == -1) || (monthIndex[0] == -1))
// Cannot swap as dateFormat does not contain both dateFormatDayLetter & dateFormatMonthLetter
return dateFormat;
final int[] firstGroup, secondGroup;
// Work out which group comes first
if (dayIndex[0] < monthIndex[0])
firstGroup = dayIndex;
secondGroup = monthIndex;
firstGroup = monthIndex;
secondGroup = dayIndex;
// Split the string up into segments, re-organise and combine
// The other parts of the format at the start
return substringConstrained(dateFormat, 0, firstGroup[0])
// The second group
+ substringConstrained(dateFormat, secondGroup[0], secondGroup[1] + 1)
// The other parts of the format in the middle
+ substringConstrained(dateFormat, firstGroup[1] + 1, secondGroup[0])
// The first group
+ substringConstrained(dateFormat, firstGroup[0], firstGroup[1] + 1)
// The other parts of the format at the end
+ substringConstrained(dateFormat, secondGroup[1] + 1, dateFormat.length());
/** Extension of {@link String#substring(int, int)} that constrains the index parameters to be within the allowed range */
private static String substringConstrained(final String str, final int beginIndex, final int endIndex)
return str.substring(constrainToRange(beginIndex, 0, str.length()), constrainToRange(endIndex, 0, str.length()));
/** Copy of {@link com.google.common.primitives.Ints#constrainToRange(int, int, int)} to avoid the need of Guava in this example */
private static int constrainToRange(int value, int min, int max)
return Math.min(Math.max(value, min), max);
public void testSwapDayAndMonthInDateFormat()
org.junit.Assert.assertEquals("Md", swapDayAndMonthInDateFormat("dM"));
org.junit.Assert.assertEquals("MMd", swapDayAndMonthInDateFormat("dMM"));
org.junit.Assert.assertEquals("Mdy", swapDayAndMonthInDateFormat("dMy"));
org.junit.Assert.assertEquals("Myd", swapDayAndMonthInDateFormat("dyM"));
org.junit.Assert.assertEquals("yMd", swapDayAndMonthInDateFormat("ydM"));
org.junit.Assert.assertEquals("aMbdc", swapDayAndMonthInDateFormat("adbMc"));
org.junit.Assert.assertEquals("MM/dd/yyyy", swapDayAndMonthInDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy"));
org.junit.Assert.assertEquals("MMM/dd/yyyy", swapDayAndMonthInDateFormat("dd/MMM/yyyy"));
for (final String str : new String[] {"ydy", "yMy", "yDy", "ymy", "Dm", "Dmm", "DD/mm/yyyy", "DD/mmm/yyyy"})
org.junit.Assert.assertEquals(str, swapDayAndMonthInDateFormat(str));