Так и должно быть.
Create table doctor(
doctorId Int Identity(1,1), --It's 'Primary Key' so it should be Int or Guid
doctorName varchar(20),
CONSTRAINT pk_doctorId PRIMARY KEY (doctorId) --It's better!
Create table patient (
patient_id Int IDENTITY(1,1), --It's 'Primary Key' so it should be Int or Guid
doctorId Int NOT NULL, --Every patient has a doctor, so it should be 'Not Null'
patientName varchar(60) not null,
dateOfBirth date not null,
gender char(1),
height decimal(4,1), -- I didnt see check operator, you should check > 0 in code.
weight decimal(4,1),
CONSTRAINT pk_patient_id PRIMARY KEY (patient_id),
CONSTRAINT fk_doctorId FOREIGN KEY (doctorId) REFERENCES doctor(doctorId)