По-прежнему нет прямого решения с использованием RDLC или SSRS.Я перешел на использование iTextSharp и легко смог удовлетворить мои требования.
Font tnr = FontFactory.GetFont("Times New Roman", 12f, Font.NORMAL, BaseColor.BLACK);
Font tnr_bold = FontFactory.GetFont("Times New Roman", 12f, Font.BOLD, BaseColor.BLACK);
Font tnr_italic = FontFactory.GetFont("Times New Roman", 12f, Font.ITALIC, BaseColor.BLACK);
List<IElement> elements = new List<IElement>();
Paragraph p1 = new Paragraph(FormatUtility.FormatDate3(DateTime.Now), tnr);
p1.SetLeading(0f, 2f); // This is the line height/line spacing
Paragraph p2 = new Paragraph();
p2.SetLeading(0f, 2f); // This is the line height/line spacing
p2.Add(new Chunk("This is to certify that ", tnr));
p2.Add(new Chunk(name.ToUpper(), tnr_bold));
p2.Add(new Chunk(" is currently enrolled in the ", tnr));
p2.Add(new Chunk(" trimester of School Year ", tnr));
p2.Add(new Chunk(currentSchoolYearTxt, tnr_bold));
p2.Add(new Chunk(" in the ", tnr));
p2.Add(new Chunk(degreeProgram, tnr_bold));
p2.Add(new Chunk(" degree program at the best school in the universe. S/He was admitted into the College on ", tnr));
p2.Add(new Chunk(" trimester of School Year ", tnr));
p2.Add(new Chunk(firstSchoolYearTxt, tnr_bold));
p2.Add(new Chunk(".", tnr));
Paragraph p3 = new Paragraph();
p3.SetLeading(0f, 2f); // This is the line height/line spacing
p3.Add(new Chunk("This certification is being issued upon the request of ", tnr));
p3.Add(new Chunk(name, tnr_bold));
p3.Add(new Chunk(" for ", tnr));
p3.Add(new Chunk(specificPurpose, tnr_bold));
p3.Add(new Chunk(".", tnr));
elements.Add(new Paragraph("Someone Name", tnr_bold));
elements.Add(new Paragraph("Position", tnr));
byte[] renderedBytes = CreatePDF(PageSize.LETTER, elements, 72f, 72f, 216f, 72f);
private byte[] CreatePDF(Rectangle pageSize, IList<IElement> elements, float marginLeft = 0f, float marginRight = 0f, float marginTop = 0f, float marginBottom = 0f)
byte[] renderedBytes = null;
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
// Margins: 72f = 1 inch
using (Document document = new Document(pageSize, marginLeft, marginRight, marginTop, marginBottom))
PdfWriter pdf = PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, ms);
foreach (IElement element in elements)
renderedBytes = ms.ToArray();
return renderedBytes;
Я почти достиг аналогичного эффекта на RDLC, используя следующие:
string content = "Date <br/><br/><br/><br/><br/> This is to certify that <b>(NAME)</b> is currently enrolled in the <b>(CurrentTerm)</b> trimester of School Year <b>(CurrentSY)</b> in the <b>(Degree Program)</b> degree program at the best school in the universe. S/He was admitted into the College on <b>(FirstTerm)</b> trimester of School Year <b>(FirstSY)</b>. <br/><br/><br/> This certification is being issued upon the request of <b>(Name)</b> for <b>(specific purpose/s)</b>. <br/><br/><br/><br/><br/> <b>Some Name</b> <br/> Position";
content = content
.Replace("(NAME)", name.ToUpper()); // Replace necessary strings with variable values
content = SplitByBreak(content, 85);
public static string SplitByBreak(string text, int length)
List<string> ignoreList = new List<string>()
string br = "<br/>";
string newText = string.Empty;
string newLine = string.Empty;
// Make sure that <br/> is the standard break.
text = text.Replace("<br>", br);
string[] split = text.Split(new[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
for (int i = 0; i < split.Length; i++)
string testLine = string.Format("{0} {1}", newLine, split[i]).Trim();
string temp = testLine;
int lastIndexBr = testLine.LastIndexOf(br);
// Count from the last index of <br/>.
if (lastIndexBr >= 0)
temp = temp.Substring(lastIndexBr + br.Length);
// Do not include the length from the ignore list. -Eph 10.19.2018
foreach (string s in ignoreList)
temp = temp.Replace(s, string.Empty);
if (temp.Length > length)
newText = string.Format("{0} {1} {2}{2}", newText, newLine, br).Trim();
newLine = split[i];
testLine = string.Format("{0} {1}", newLine, split[i]).Trim();
newLine = testLine;
newText = string.Format("{0} {1}", newText, newLine).Trim();
return newText;
Эта созданная мною функция хороша, и все, но она просто добавляет <br/><br/>
для каждой строки n
, игнорируя теги внутри ignoreList
.Это полезно только для шрифтов с одинаковой шириной символов, которые не будут работать для меня.