У меня есть асинхронная загрузка, которая загружает множество ресурсов из Интернета в приложение Xamarin для Android-форм.Мой код для загрузки следующий:
public interface IAnimationDownloadCallbacks
void DidFinishDownload(StoreItemAnimation itemAnimation, string downloadedUrl, bool downloadResult);
public async Task<bool> DownloadAnimationFromUrl(string url, StoreItemAnimation storeItem = null, IAnimationDownloadCallbacks callbacks = null)
App.Log("Downloading : " + url);
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(url) || url.Contains("/") == false)
if (callbacks != null)
callbacks.DidFinishDownload(storeItem, url, false);
return false;
IFolder folder = FileSystem.Current.LocalStorage;
var filename = GetFileName(url);
folder = await folder.CreateFolderAsync("Cache", CreationCollisionOption.OpenIfExists);
ExistenceCheckResult fileExists = await folder.CheckExistsAsync(filename);
if (fileExists == ExistenceCheckResult.FileExists)
App.Log("Skipping, already downloaded.");
if (callbacks != null)
callbacks.DidFinishDownload(storeItem, url, true);
return true;
App.Log("waiting to download... " + url);
App.Log("started... " + url);
bool didCopy = false;
if (Device.RuntimePlatform == Device.iOS)
using (var wc = new HttpClient(new HttpClientHandler()))
var imageData = await wc.GetStreamAsync(url);
App.Log("Length: " + imageData.Length.ToString());
IFile file = await folder.CreateFileAsync(filename, CreationCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting);
using (Stream stream = await file.OpenAsync(FileAccess.ReadAndWrite))
await imageData.CopyToAsync(stream);
App.Log("Done writing : " + filename + " url: " + url);
callbacks.DidFinishDownload(storeItem, url, true);
return true;
using (var stream = await ImageService.Instance.LoadUrl(url).AsPNGStreamAsync())
App.Log("Length: " + stream.Length.ToString());
IFile file = await folder.CreateFileAsync(filename, CreationCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting);
using (Stream streams = await file.OpenAsync(FileAccess.ReadAndWrite))
await stream.CopyToAsync(streams);
didCopy = true;
App.Log("(DidCopy: "+didCopy+")Done writing : " + filename + " url: " + url);
if (callbacks != null)
callbacks.DidFinishDownload(storeItem, url, true);
return true;
catch (Exception error)
App.Log("Delete file");
ExistenceCheckResult isFileExists = await folder.CheckExistsAsync(filename);
if (isFileExists == ExistenceCheckResult.FileExists)
App.Log("File found");
IFile file = await folder.GetFileAsync(filename);
await file.DeleteAsync();
if (callbacks != null)
callbacks.DidFinishDownload(storeItem, url, false);
return false;
Теперь я хотел загрузить несколько ресурсов одновременно (я пробовал все одновременные загрузки), поэтому я создал пакетную загрузку из восьми ресурсов одновременно.Теперь я не могу понять, почему мое приложение падает без каких-либо журналов, исключений или чего-либо еще.Я исследовал и обнаружил, что это может быть из-за ANR, но я не могу найти, где это узкое место моего приложения.Вот код для пакетной загрузки:
public class BatchQueueAnimationDownload: ImageCache.IAnimationDownloadCallbacks
* Declare Batch download callbacks
* that will be used to reference the calling class
* of this instance
public interface BatchQueueDownloadCallbacks
void OnNewItemDownloaded(StoreItemAnimation itemAnimation, string downloadedUrl, bool downloadResult);
void OnAllQueueCompleted(int queueSize);
* Size of maximum simultaneous downloads
private readonly int BATCH_SIZE = 8;
* Counter for current simultaneous downloads
private int currentDownloadsCount = 0;
* Counter for currently completed downloads
private int completedDownloadsCount = 0;
* Indexer to keep track of last queued download
private int lastQueuedIndex = 0;
* Batch download callback declaration, this will be assigned
* when an instance of this class is invoked or if a queue
* of downloads are added see #{AddDownload(...) method}
BatchQueueDownloadCallbacks callbacks;
* Flag to switch when all queued downloads are completed.
* true = all downloads are completed
* false = when a new queue is initiated {see #Reset() method}
bool isCompleted = false;
* List collection of all downloads in queue. All downloads/downloadables
* are in this list.
ObservableCollection<DownloadQueue> downloadQueue = new ObservableCollection<DownloadQueue>();
* static reference of this class. Only one instance of this class
* would be running.
static BatchQueueAnimationDownload instance;
* Instance property, initialize an instance if not yet
* otherwise, return the current instance to invoking class
public static BatchQueueAnimationDownload GetInstance {
get {
if (instance == null)
instance = new BatchQueueAnimationDownload();
return instance;
* Method that will accept addition to the
* download queue. Once added, that queue becomes available for
* download.
* item = The reference to the StoreItemAnimation object so
* that we'll be able to determine which StoreAnimationItem
* is being downloaded.
* downloadUrl = the url that will be called for download. It can be
* either url_android or url_android2 of the StoreItemAnimation instance.
* callbacks = Implementing class which invokes this instance, by default
* it is this class itself.
public void AddDownload(StoreItemAnimation item, string downloadUrl, BatchQueueDownloadCallbacks callbacks)
DownloadQueue q = new DownloadQueue(item, downloadUrl, this);
this.callbacks = callbacks;
* Invoke this class once all queues have been added.
* This starts the actual batch downloads itself.
public void Start()
* Download 1st batch
while(currentDownloadsCount < BATCH_SIZE && downloadQueue.Count > lastQueuedIndex){
* Individual downloads for each
* queued download items.
* queue = the queue item that will be downloaded
void StartDownload(DownloadQueue queue)
App.Log("Current Simultaneous Download: " + currentDownloadsCount + " of " + BATCH_SIZE + " Complete:" + completedDownloadsCount);
if ((callbacks != null) && (queue == null))
isCompleted = true;
* Check if current simultaneous download is already maxed out (BATCH_SIZE)
* and if the download queue is already started downloading
if (currentDownloadsCount < BATCH_SIZE )
* Check if downloads already completed entire queue
if (completedDownloadsCount >= downloadQueue.Count )
* If so, invoke the invoking class' <i>completed<i> callback
if(callbacks != null)
* Check if the queue counter is greater than the
* actual size of the queue. Not doing so will fire
* IndexOutOfBoundsException or Exception in general.
if (lastQueuedIndex < downloadQueue.Count)
ImageCache.GetInstance.DownloadAnimationFromUrl(queue.url, queue.item, queue.callbacks);
* Increment the current simultanous downloads.
* This is decremented on completion of each download.
* Increment the counter for the queued downloads.
* When the queue counter is equal to the
* queue size, it means that all queues have
* been downloaded.
if (callbacks != null)
public void DidFinishDownload(StoreItemAnimation itemAnimation, string downloadedUrl, bool downloadResult)
if (this.callbacks != null)
this.callbacks.OnNewItemDownloaded(itemAnimation, downloadedUrl, downloadResult);
//GC.Collect(0, GCCollectionMode.Optimized, false);
* Empty Batch slot, available for download use
* Increment completed download
* Start download for next in queue if any
if (lastQueuedIndex < downloadQueue.Count)
if (!isCompleted)
isCompleted = true;
public void Reset()
App.Log("RESET! "+currentDownloadsCount+"/"+completedDownloadsCount+"/"+lastQueuedIndex+"/"+instance);
currentDownloadsCount = 0;
completedDownloadsCount = 0;
lastQueuedIndex = 0;
isCompleted = false;
class DownloadQueue
public StoreItemAnimation item;
public string url;
public ImageCache.IAnimationDownloadCallbacks callbacks;
public DownloadQueue(StoreItemAnimation item, string url, ImageCache.IAnimationDownloadCallbacks callbacks)
this.item = item;
this.url = url;
this.callbacks = callbacks;
Любая помощь будет принята с благодарностью.Заранее спасибо.
ОБНОВЛЕНИЕ Это происходит только на Android API 23 (насколько я тестировал).
Если это поможет, это журналы навремя крушения, которое я не думаю, очень помогает.