Ошибка, которую я получил: enrollSTudent Transaction Failed: text error trying invoke business
network.Error: No valid responses from any peers.
Response from attempted peer comms was an error: Error: transaction returned
with failure: ReferenceError: NS is not defined.
Я также получил другую ошибку, сообщающую, что есть утечка памяти, но исправил ее.Тем не менее, я не могу исправить NS_ это неопределенная ошибка.Вот код, который я использовал ниже:
use strict;
* Write your transction processor functions here
var NS_UNIVERSITY = 'org.gryphon.casestudy.university';
var NS_COLLEGE = 'org.gryphon.casestudy.college';
var NS_STUDENT = 'org.gryphon.casestudy.student';
* create a new certificate entry
* @param {org.gryphon.casestudy.university.issueCertificate} args - student
* @transaction
function issueCertificate(args) {
var certificateId = 'CertificateID-' + Date.now().toString();
var certificate;
var _assetRegistry;
return getAssetRegistry(NS_UNIVERSITY + '.Certificate')
.then(function (assetRegistry) {
var factory = getFactory();
certificate = factory.newResource(NS_UNIVERSITY, 'Certificate',
certificate.issuedTo = args.studentName;
certificate.programName = args.programName;
certificate.issuedDate = new Date();
certificate.certificateId = certificateId;
return assetRegistry.add(certificate)
.then(function (_res) {
return getParticipantRegistry(NS_STUDENT + '.Student');
.then(function (assetRegistry) {
_assetRegistry = assetRegistry;
return assetRegistry.get(args.studentID)
.then(function (certifiedStudent) {
certifiedStudent.certificateId = certificateId;
var event = factory.newEvent(NS_UNIVERSITY,
event.certificateId = certificateId;
return _assetRegistry.update(certifiedStudent)
.then(function (_res) {
return (_res);
function (error) {
return (error);
* approve affiliation of college
* @param {org.gryphon.casestudy.university.approveAffiliation} args - id of
* @transaction
function approveAffiliation(args) {
var registry;
return getParticipantRegistry(NS_COLLEGE + '.College')
.then(function (assetRegistry) {
registry = assetRegistry;
return assetRegistry.get(args.memberId)
.then(function (college) {
college.isApproved = 1;
return registry.update(college)
.then(function (_res) {
return (_res);
function (error) {
return (error);
* Enroll Program to the college
* @param {org.gryphon.casestudy.college.enrollProgram} args - id of college
* @transaction
function enrollProgram(args) {
var registry;
return getParticipantRegistry(NS_COLLEGE + '.College')
.then(function (assetRegistry) {
registry = assetRegistry;
return assetRegistry.get(args.collegeId)
.then(function (college) {
if (college.isApproved == 1) {
return registry.update(college)
.then(function (_res) {
return (_res);
function (error) {
return (error);
* Student can enroll them to a College and Program
* @param {org.gryphon.casestudy.student.enrollStudent} args - student
* @transaction
function enrollStudent(args) {
return getParticipantRegistry(NS_STUDENT + '.Student')
.then(function (assetRegistry) {
var factory = getFactory();
var studentId = 'Student-' + Date.now().toString();
var student = factory.newResource(NS_STUDENT, 'Student', studentId);
student.name = args.name;
student.dob = args.dob;
student.memberId = studentId;
student.programName = args.programName;
student.collegeName = args.collegeName;
return assetRegistry.add(student)
.then(function (_res) {
return (_res);
function (error) {
return (error);
* College can request Affiliation to the University
* @param {org.gryphon.casestudy.college.requestAffiliation} args - name of
* @transaction
function requestAffiliation(args) {
return getParticipantRegistry(NS_COLLEGE + '.College')
.then(function (assetRegistry) {
var factory = getFactory();
var collegeId = 'College-' + Date.now().toString();
var college = factory.newResource(NS_COLLEGE, 'College', collegeId);
college.name = args.name;
college.memberId = collegeId;
college.isApproved = 0;
college.programs = [];
return assetRegistry.add(college)
.then(function (_res) {
return (_res);
function (error) {
return (error);
файл events.js:
function requestAffiliation() {
// Show Progress untill the task is complete
document.getElementById('college_progress').innerHTML = '<img src="./icons/progress.gif"/>';
// Get the attributes from the UI i.e College Name
let college_name = document.getElementById('college_name').value;
// Set the Payload for the Post restapi call
let options = { 'college_name': college_name };
// Use Async ajax call to post a request to the Client App
$.when($.post('/composer/client/requestAffiliation', options)).done(function (_res) {
// End progress display
document.getElementById('college_progress').innerHTML = '';
// Update the UI with college list
// Close the Modal Dialog
* Display Colleges
function displayCollegeList() {
// Use Async ajax call to get a list of colleges from the Client App
$.when($.get('composer/client/getCollegeList')).done(function (_res) {
// Successful response received, lets check it on browser console
let _str = '';
let _nstr = '';
// We will now build the Table to be displayed in UI
_str += '<table><tr><th>Name</th><th>isApproved</th></tr>';
_res.college_list.forEach(function (_row) {
// Check is college is approved or NOT aaproved by university
let td = (_row.is_approved == 0) ? '<td class="red"> NOT APPROVED</td>'
: '<td class="green"> APPROVED</td>';
_str += '<tr><td>' + '<a href="#" onClick=enrollProgram("' + _row.id + '")>'
+ _row.name + '</a></td>' + td + '</tr>';
if (_row.is_approved == 0) {
_nstr += '<input type="checkbox" name="collegeIds" value="'
+ _row.id + '">' + _row.name + '</input></br>';
_str += '</table>';
// Display College List
document.getElementById('college_list').innerHTML = _str;
document.getElementById('approve_list').innerHTML = _nstr;
function submitApproveAffiliation() {
let options = {};
let arr = '';
document.getElementById('approval_progress').innerHTML = '<img src="./icons/progress.gif"/>';
$("input:checkbox[name=collegeIds]:checked").each(function () {
let options = {};
options.college_id = $(this).val();
$.when($.post('/composer/client/approveAffiliation', options)).done(function (_res) {
document.getElementById('approval_progress').innerHTML = '';
let val = _res.result;
function submitEnrollProgram() {
document.getElementById('program_progress').innerHTML = '<img src="./icons/progress.gif"/>';
let options = {};
options.program_name = document.getElementById('program_name').value;
options.college_id = collegeId;
$.when($.post('/composer/client/enrollProgram', options)).done(function (_res) {
document.getElementById('program_progress').innerHTML = '';
let val = _res.result;
function submitGenerateCertificate() {
let options = {};
let arr = '';
document.getElementById('certificate_progress').innerHTML = '<img src="./icons/progress.gif"/>';
$("input:checkbox[name=gen_cer_student]:checked").each(function () {
let options = {};
options.student_id = $(this).val();
$.when($.post('/composer/client/issueCertificate', options)).done(function (_res) {
document.getElementById('certificate_progress').innerHTML = '';
let val = _res.result;
function submitTakeAdmission() {
var selected_program = $("input[name=program]:checked").val();
if (selected_program == null) {
alert('No Program Selected');
let student_name = document.getElementById('student_name').value;
let student_dob = document.getElementById('student_dob').value;
let studentDob = new Date(student_dob);
if (studentDob == null) {
alert('Incorrect Date Format');
let val = selected_program.split('##');
let arr = '';
document.getElementById('admission_progress').innerHTML = '<img src="./icons/progress.gif"/>';
let options = {};
options.student_name = student_name;
options.student_dob = studentDob;
options.college_name = val[0];
options.program_name = val[1];
$.when($.post('/composer/client/takeAdmission', options)).done(function (_res) {
document.getElementById('admission_progress').innerHTML = '';
let val = _res.result;
* get History
function getHistorian() {
$.when($.get('fabric/getHistory')).done(function (_res) {
let _str = '<h4> HyperLedger Transaction Blocks: ' + _res.result + '</h4>';
if (_res.result === 'success') {
_str += '<h3>Total Blocks: ' + _res.history.length + '</h3>';
_str += '<table id="tt"><tr><th>Transaction Hash</th><th>Transaction Type</th><th>TimeStamp</th></tr>';
_res.history.sort(function (a, b) { return (b.transactionTimestamp > a.transactionTimestamp) ? -1 : 1; });
for (let each in _res.history) {
(function (_idx, _arr) {
let _row = _arr[_idx];
_str += '<tr><td>' + _row.transactionId + '</td><td>' + _row.transactionType + '</td><td>' + _row.transactionTimestamp + '</td></tr>';
})(each, _res.history);
_str += '</table>';
else { _str += formatMessage(_res.message); }
document.getElementById('historian').innerHTML = _str;
* Display Students
function displayStudentList() {
$.when($.get('composer/client/getStudentList')).done(function (_res) {
let _str = '';
let _nstr = '';
_str += '<table><tr><th>Name</th><th>Certificate ID</th></tr>';
_res.student_list.forEach(function (_row) {
let cid = (_row.certificateId == null) ? '...' : _row.certificateId;
_str += '<tr><td>' + _row.name + '</td><td>' + cid + '</td></tr>';
_str += '</table>';
document.getElementById('student_list').innerHTML = _str;
let collegeId = null;
function enrollProgram(id) {
collegeId = id;
var appendthis = ("<div class='modal-overlay js-modal-close'></div>");
$(".modal-overlay").fadeTo(500, 0.7);
var modalBox = $(this).attr('data-modal-id');
$('#' + 'enrollProgram').fadeIn($(this).data());
function approveAffiliation() {
var appendthis = ("<div class='modal-overlay js-modal-close'></div>");
$(".modal-overlay").fadeTo(500, 0.7);
var modalBox = $(this).attr('data-modal-id');
$('#' + 'approveAffiliation').fadeIn($(this).data());
function takeAdmission() {
$.when($.get('composer/client/getCollegeList')).done(function (_res) {
let _str = '';
_str += '<table><tr><th>College</th><th>Programs</th></tr>';
_res.college_list.forEach(function (_row) {
if (_row.is_approved == 1) {
let _pro_str = '<table>';
_row.programs.forEach(function (_pro) {
_pro_str += '<tr><td><input type="radio" name="program" value="' + _row.name + '##' + _pro + '">' + _pro + '</input></td></tr>';
_str += '<tr class="mark"><td>' + _row.name + '</td><td>' + _pro_str + '</table></td>' + '</tr>';
_str += '</table>';
document.getElementById('admission_list').innerHTML = _str;
var appendthis = ("<div class='modal-overlay js-modal-close'></div>");
$(".modal-overlay").fadeTo(500, 0.7);
var modalBox = $(this).attr('data-modal-id');
$('#' + 'takeAdmission').fadeIn($(this).data());
function generateCertificate() {
$.when($.get('composer/client/getStudentList')).done(function (_res) {
let _str = '';
_str += '<table><tr><th>Select</th><th>Student ID</th><th>Student Name</th></tr>';
_res.student_list.forEach(function (_row) {
if (_row.certificateId == null) {
_str += '<tr><td><input type="checkbox" name="gen_cer_student" value="' + _row.id + '"></input></td><td>' + _row.id + '</td><td>' + _row.name + '</td></tr>';
_str += '</table>';
document.getElementById('student_cer_list').innerHTML = _str;
var appendthis = ("<div class='modal-overlay js-modal-close'></div>");
$(".modal-overlay").fadeTo(500, 0.7);
var modalBox = $(this).attr('data-modal-id');
$('#' + 'generateCertificate').fadeIn($(this).data());
function verifyCertificate() {
let public_id = document.getElementById('verify_cer_id').value;
if (public_id == '') {
alert('Please Enter valid Public ID');
let options = { id: public_id };
document.getElementById('verify_progress').innerHTML = '<img src="./icons/progress.gif"/>';
$.when($.get('composer/client/getCertificateById', options)).done(function (_res) {
document.getElementById('verify_progress').innerHTML = '<img src="./icons/progress.gif"/>';
$.when($.get('composer/client/getStudentList')).done(function (_res) {
let list = _res.student_list;
var result = null;
list.forEach(function (v) {
if (v.certificateId == public_id) {
result = v;
if (result == null) {
alert('Certificate Validation Failed - No such certificate found!');
document.getElementById('_student_name_').innerHTML = result.name;
document.getElementById('_program_name_').innerHTML = result.program;
document.getElementById('_date_of_issue').innerHTML = Date().toString().split('2018')[0] + '2018';
document.getElementById('__cer_id__').innerHTML = public_id;
document.getElementById('verify_progress').innerHTML = '';
function displayCertificate() {
var appendthis = ("<div class='modal-overlay js-modal-close'></div>");
$(".modal-overlay").fadeTo(500, 0.7);
var modalBox = $(this).attr('data-modal-id');
$('#' + 'certificate').fadeIn($(this).data());
Это в основном рабочий код для моей гипер-книги.Как я уже сказал, ошибка в том, что NS_ не определена, но я четко проверил весь свой код и обнаружил, что я никогда не набирал опечатки NS_