Наша сборка Gradle завершается неудачно из-за следующего предупреждения Proguard:
было 1 экземпляр библиотечных классов в зависимости от классов программы.
Кто-нибудь знает, как найтиэти классы упоминаются в предупреждении?
Еще немного журналов до появления предупреждения
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'rx.internal.util.InternalObservableUtils { rx.functions.Func0 createReplaySupplier(rx.Observable,int); }', but not the descriptor class 'rx.Observable'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'rx.internal.util.InternalObservableUtils { rx.functions.Func0 createReplaySupplier(rx.Observable,long,java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit,rx.Scheduler); }', but not the descriptor class 'rx.Observable'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'rx.internal.util.InternalObservableUtils { rx.functions.Func0 createReplaySupplier(rx.Observable,long,java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit,rx.Scheduler); }', but not the descriptor class 'rx.Scheduler'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'rx.internal.util.InternalObservableUtils { rx.functions.Func0 createReplaySupplier(rx.Observable,int,long,java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit,rx.Scheduler); }', but not the descriptor class 'rx.Observable'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'rx.internal.util.InternalObservableUtils { rx.functions.Func0 createReplaySupplier(rx.Observable,int,long,java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit,rx.Scheduler); }', but not the descriptor class 'rx.Scheduler'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'rx.internal.util.InternalObservableUtils { rx.functions.Func2 createCollectorCaller(rx.functions.Action2); }', but not the descriptor class 'rx.functions.Action2'
Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'android.widget.GridLayout' to keep library class 'android.widget.GridLayout'
Note: the configuration explicitly specifies 'android.widget.Space' to keep library class 'android.widget.Space'
Note: there were 3 references to unknown classes.
You should check your configuration for typos.
Note: there were 1 references to unknown class members.
You should check your configuration for typos.
Note: there were 2459 unkept descriptor classes in kept class members.
You should consider explicitly keeping the mentioned classes
(using '-keep').
Note: there were 2 library classes explicitly being kept.
You don't need to keep library classes; they are already left unchanged.
Note: there were 40 unresolved dynamic references to classes or interfaces.
You should check if you need to specify additional program jars.
Note: there were 2 class casts of dynamically created class instances.
You might consider explicitly keeping the mentioned classes and/or
their implementations (using '-keep').
Warning: there were 1 instances of library classes depending on program classes.
You must avoid such dependencies, since the program classes will
be processed, while the library classes will remain unchanged.
Warning: Exception while processing task java.io.IOException: Please correct the above warnings first.
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task '...'.