Мой код:
public class SkillsDemoTwoCrapsGameClass {
public static void main(String[] args) {
RandomNumber diceRoll = new RandomNumber(); //Create instance diceRoll of class RandomNumber
play playGame = new play(); //Create instance playGame of class play
//Initialise variables from play class
playGame.diceRoll = diceRoll.randNum;
playGame.point = playGame.diceRoll;
playGame.newPoint = diceRoll.randNum;
System.out.println("WELCOME TO A GAME OF CRAPS!");
if(playGame.diceRoll == 7 || playGame.diceRoll == 11){
//Show the users point
System.out.println("Point: " + playGame.point);
//Tell user they won
System.out.println("Congratulations you won, with a " + playGame.diceRoll);
else if(playGame.diceRoll == 2 || playGame.diceRoll == 3|| playGame.diceRoll == 12){
//Show the users point
System.out.println("Point: " + playGame.point);
//Tell the user they lost
System.out.println("Sorry you lost, with a " + playGame.diceRoll);
System.out.println("Point: " + playGame.point);
while(playGame.point != playGame.newPoint || playGame.point == playGame.newPoint){
BUG: (2/2/19)
User will receive their original roll again, causing them to always win
//Roll dice again for the new point
playGame.newPoint = diceRoll.randNum;
//Checks if the user can win
if(playGame.point == playGame.newPoint){
System.out.println("Your new roll: " + playGame.newPoint + "\t\t Win");
//Checks if the user has lost
else if(playGame.newPoint == 7){
System.out.println("Your new roll: " + playGame.newPoint + "\t\t Lose");
//Check if user needs to roll again
System.out.println("Your new roll: " + playGame.newPoint + "\t\t No help");
class RandomNumber{
Random rand = new Random();
int randNum = rand.nextInt(12) + 1;
class play{
int diceRoll, point, newPoint;
Приведенный выше код предназначен для игры в Крэпс, моя проблема в том, когда пользователю нужно получить новое очко.Вместо того, чтобы назначать новое случайное число, они получают тот же номер, что и раньше.Есть ли способ вызвать класс RandomNumber и получить новое случайное число для присвоения переменной newPoint