, поэтому у меня есть метод в модели
class << self
def last_week
start = Time.zone.now.beginning_of_week - 7.days
finish = start + 7.days
where('appointment_at >= ? AND appointment_at < ?', start, finish).order(appointment_at: :desc)
И я пишу спецификации для этого метода.
RSpec.describe Appointment, type: :model, vcr: { record: :none } do
let!(:time) { Time.now }
let(:appointment_at) { time }
context '.last_week' do
let!(:scoped_appointment) { create(:appointment, appointment_at: time - 2.days) }
let!(:another_appointment) { create(:appointment, appointment_at: time - 16.days) }
it do
travel_to(time) do
expect(Appointment.last_week).to include(scoped_appointment)
expect(Appointment.last_week).not_to include(another_appointment)
И иногда я получаю сбой этой спецификации с ошибкой.
expected #<ActiveRecord::Relation []> to include #<Appointment id: 18, lead_id: 27, body: nil, appointment_at: "2019-02-25 00:59:47", google_id: nil, ... "pending", user_id: 22, notify: nil, cc_emails: nil, appointment_minutes: nil, status_message: nil>
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-[#<Appointment id: 18, lead_id: 27, body: nil, appointment_at: "2019-02-25 00:59:47", google_id: nil, created_at: "2019-02-27 00:59:47", updated_at: "2019-02-27 00:59:47", timezone: nil, subject: "Meeting with Lead", address: nil, notification: nil, status: "pending", user_id: 22, notify: nil, cc_emails: nil, appointment_minutes: nil, status_message: nil>]
Не могу понять, почему?
И у меня есть предложение, чтобы я плотно установил time
в spec_helper.rb
$now = DateTime.parse('2020-01-01 00:00:01 -0500')
это будет правильно?а почему?