1 = dbms_output.put_line(v_t.first) - returns the first subscript/index value of
t1(10,20,30,40) which is 1
4 = dbms_output.put_line(v_t.last) - returns the last subscript/index value of
t1(10,20,30,40) which is 4
1 = dbms_output.put_line(v_t.PRIOR(2)) - returns the subscript that precedes index n in a
collection which is 1.
3 = dbms_output.put_line(v_t.next(2)) - returns the subscript that succeeds index n in a
collection which is 3.
9 = dbms_output.put_line(v_t.count) - v_t.EXTEND appends one null element to the collection, v_t.EXTEND appends 2 null elements to the collection and v_t.EXTEND(3,2) appends 3 copies of the 2nd element to the collection
10 = dbms_output.put_line(v_t(i) - Prints all the elements.
20 = v_t.extend(3,2) - Added 3 copies of 2nd element which is 20
20 = v_t.extend(3,2) - ""
Третья копия (20) исключена, поскольку v_t.trim удаляет один элемент из конца коллекции