Мое решение другое.Каждая буква - это объект с позицией и альфа-прозрачностью.Во время анимации прозрачность букв уменьшается, по одной букве за раз.
Вы можете перезапустить анимацию при нажатии.Пожалуйста, прочитайте комментарии в коде.
const canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
const _canvas = document.getElementById("_canvas");
const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
const _ctx = _canvas.getContext("2d");
let cw = canvas.width = _canvas.width = 400,
cx = cw / 2;
let ch = canvas.height = _canvas.height = 150,
cy = ch / 2;
let rid = null;// request animation id
let theText = 'This is a text!';
let letters = [];// the letters array
let k = 20;// controls the speed of the animation
ctx.font = _ctx.font = "2em Verdana";
// every letter is an object
class Letter{
this.char = char;// the letter
// measure the letter
_ctx.fillText(this.char, 0, cy);
this.w = _ctx.measureText(this.char).width;
//the position of the text
this.pos = {}
this.pos.y = cy;
this.pos.x = x;
// the transparency of the letter
this.alpha = 1;
show(){// draw the letter
ctx.fillStyle = `rgba(0,0,0,${this.alpha})`;
ctx.fillText(this.char, this.pos.x, this.pos.y);
//change the transparency of the text
if(this.alpha > 0){this.alpha -= 1/k;}
if(this.alpha < 0){this.alpha = 0; index++}
let x = 0;
for(l=0; l<theText.length; l++){
// a new letter object
letters.push(new Letter(theText[l],x))
//calculate the x position of the next letter
x = letters.reduce( function(a, b){return a + b.w}, 0);
// draw all the letters
for(l=0; l<letters.length; l++){letters[l].show()}
// the actual letter.
let index = 0;
function Draw() {
rid = window.requestAnimationFrame(Draw);
letters[index].update();//change the transparency of the actual letter
// draw all the letters
for(l=0; l<letters.length; l++){letters[l].show()}
// if the last letter is fully transparent stop the animation
if(letters[letters.length - 1].alpha <= 0){
window.cancelAnimationFrame(rid);rid = null;
//resume animation on click
if(rid){window.cancelAnimationFrame(rid);rid = null;}
index = 0;
for(l=0; l<letters.length; l++){letters[l].alpha = 1;letters[l].show()}
canvas {
border:1px solid;
<canvas id="canvas"></canvas>
<canvas id="_canvas"></canvas>