Возникла проблема при записи файла Dockerrun.aws.json.Мой docker-compose файл работает нормально.Не могли бы вы помочь мне, как перевести docker-compose.yml в файл Dockerrun.aws.json.
Вот мой составной файл docker.
# This section contains your application metadata.
# Version of the application
version: 0.1.0
# Name of the application
name: hello-world
# A short description of the application
description: "Hello, World!"
# Namespace to use when pushing to a registry. This is typically your Hub username.
namespace: myHubUsername
# List of application maintainers with name and email for each
- name: user
email: "user@email.com"
# This section contains the Compose file that describes your application services.
version: "3.6"
image: hashicorp/http-echo
command: ["-text", "${text}"]
- ${port}:5678
# This section contains the default values for your application settings.
port: 8080
text: Hello, World!`enter code here`